15 Alpha Edmund

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"Cerick!" A little tornado crashes into me.

"Slow down hurricane!" I say picking up my little 2 year old cousin Storm.

"When you be Alpha?" He asks cocking his head to the side.

"When I turn 18 my little thunder cloud." I tell him.

"When that?" He continues.

"Wish I knew Hale. Why do you want to know?" I ask him.

"Daddy says when you become Alpha he will be able to play with me all day while you work cuz he'll be we-ti-rid." He explains and I chuckle. This kid is adorable.

"Retired... well it could be any time now, blizzard. Any minute my wolf could take over and I'll become Alpha." I tell him dramatically as I tickle him.

"Why you no call me by my name?" He asks and I chuckle.

I play this game all the time to see how many storms I can call him before he gets irritated. I got to 4 this time a new record I think.

"You'll understand when your older, Rain." I laugh and he pouts. "Alright Storm I'm done." For now at least.

As soon as I set him back on his feet I tumble onto the ground. Holy crap that hurt!

"You okay Cerick?" Storm asks and I nod. I feel incredibly hot as my bones begin to snap. This is worse than my first shift!

"Go get your daddy Storm." I tell him through clenched teeth. The boy nods and runs off.

Alpha Edmund's POV

"Good job, son!" I cheer on my boy. He is one of my best fighters. I'm a little sad that in only two years he's gonna take over as Alpha. Don't get me wrong I have all confidence in my boy He's just growing up so fast!

"Did you see me dad?! I finally got him!" Jesse smiles as he runs up to me.

"I saw! Only two more warriors before you get to challenge Greg. (our top warrior)" I tell him. He just looks so happy.

I don't know where I'd be without my family... And to think my mate, Olivia, nearly rejected me! I kinda slept around before I met her. At 23 I'd given up hope that I even had a mate before she came around. Lucky for me she gave me a chance and we now have 6 pups! Jesse is the eldest at 16 followed by the twins Fred and Hank at 14, then The princess Julia is 10, Brad is 6, and the baby Killian is nearly 2. We have a good life. I honestly can't wait for Jesse to take over so I can be a full time dad. I'll still help him out of course but it will be his ship to sail.

"I'm gonna go shower. Mom said dinner is at 6 and no one is allowed to be late." He laughed as he runs off. I better head home myself. I don't want to upset my mate. You know what they say. 'Happy wife happy life'

At the dinner table I wonder if I live in a house or a zoo. Currently the baby has decided his food looks better in his mom's face than in his belly. Brad thinks his carrots are fangs. My princess is refusing to eat anything that had a face. The twins are using their forks as catapults and my eldest is whining that they got food on his new shirt.

"Knock it off!" I yell and they all settle. A chorus of sorry dads come from the boys.

"I'm not eating it! This cow had a family! Just look at those big eyes!" Julia yells holding her phone out to show us a picture of a cow.

"Princess, you are a wolf, a predator. You need meat to survive." I try to explain.

"It's either moo-moo or Wilbur so take your pick! I mean I could go for some bacon!" Hank 'helps.'

"Better yet why separate them? Bacon wrapped steak!" Fred adds.

"What about chicken? That's meat!" Brad joins his older brothers.

"Very right pup! And od course fish!" Fred responds to him and the little one smiles.

"Glub glub save me Julie!" Hank taunts her making a fish face with his hands by his face to mimic fins. All the boys laugh.

"Knock it off guys!" I scold them. "Please princess your mom worked hard on this meal and I want you healthy and strong. If you were human the whole vegan thing could work if you do it right but as a werewolf your body needs meat. Please eat some of it. For me?" I push her and she sighs before eating. I'm glad she's a daddy's girl. After she takes a few bites I hear the entire pack begin to howl.

"What's going on dad?" Jesse asks as I stand up.

I instantly feel a bit dizzy and put my hand on the table to steady myself before I make my way out of the house. I feel different. I'm not myself. I'm not sure what's going on until my Beta comes up to me.

"You screwed up big time Edmund." My friend tells me.

"What's going on, Samuel?" I growl at him and he sighs.

"You aren't Alpha any more." He tells me and I stand frozen.

"Jesse is only 16." I argue.

"I know... it's time to look up your old flings Eddy. Your first born just became Alpha."

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