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"So you don't have mandatory training?" I ask stunned. It's not like everyone needs to be a warrior but self defense is kinda important especially in the supernatural world.

"I don't think it's right to force people to fight. Not everyone wants to be a warrior." Edmund answers.

"When I was Alpha everyone was trained as a warrior. It wasn't an option. The pack was stronger then." Obed says and his son scoffs.

"Everyone lived in fear!" Edmund yells.

"But they were safe!" Obed responds.

"Okay!" I shut them up. "I get where you are both coming from. I agree everyone isn't a warrior." Edmund smirks at his father as if he's won something. "However, not training everyone leaves them defenseless should we be attacked."

"That's what the trained men are for. They protect those who don't know how to fight." Edmund argues.

"And if no warriors are around? If someone is out on a run and is attacked. Everyone should know self defense and evasion tactics so they can get themselves to safety. They don't need to be warriors but they need to be able to handle themselves." I explain.

"I guess you have a point." Edmund concedes.

"Yet you never listened to me when I made the same argument." Obed rolls his eyes at his son and I sigh.

"He was rebeling against a strict form of governing and went too far... how about we try to balance it out now? I could use both of your help. Edmund I'd appreciate you working with the pups. Age 10-13 should basically learn how to get away from someone bigger than them. Very basic. Make it a game or something so they don't feel scared. I am listening to your concerns and I don't want them living in fear but I want them living. You seem to have a softer touch... you think you can handle that?" I ask and he nods.

"Yes Alpha."

"Gramps I'd like for you to work with the  older teens 14-17. Teach them to defend themselves. Don't go as far as warrior training but push them. I figure you will be best suited to find the most capable and offer for them to join the warriors at age 18. Find ones with potential and make the offer. Don't try to push them to accept. Even if they aren't a warrior we will know who will be the best backup if the warriors need help." I say and he nods.

"I can do that."

"I'm going to have Sam work with the women. He is a bit better with words than any of us. I think he will do well with them... mostly convincing them they need to train. If they are anything like the she wolves in Central it will take a lot of talking that I don't have the patience for and after being in this room with the two of you it's safe to say neither do you." I explain and they both chuckle.

"True." They say simultaneously.

"What about you, Cedric?" Gramps asks.

"I plan to check in on the warriors. If they are up to standards I will help out wherever needed... but I have a feeling I'm gonna be upping their training. I mean no offense to you Edmund but I'm a bit stricter when it comes to pack protection." I say.

"The pack has been perfectly safe under my care!" He growls.

"So no one was kidnapped from here? Just every other pack?" I ask knowing it isn't the case. I spoke to many of the women in the cells. Sure that was when he first started as Alpha but I know he lost a few.

"No. My pack is safe!" He argues.

"Mandy Hess? Kindle... I can't remember her last name... ya know Mandy would tell me stories to help me sleep. Kindle was a nurse. She was training with your pack doctor... Rhett?" I say and his jaw drops.

"How do you?... you... you remember them... they were there?" He stammers.

"Of course I remember. They were in the cell next to us... on the other side was Daphne from the northern pack and Eve from Western. Across from us was Ray and Yana from the Northern Costal pack... these are the first people I was around. I watched them get beaten until they just gave up and became living shells... I miss who they were." I sigh.

"We haven't lost anyone recently." Edmund says trying to get me to move on from the painful memories which I appreciate.

"Except the Smith boy who got himself mauled by a rogue wolf about a year ago." Gramps says.

"One is too many. I just want people safe can't you understand that?" I ask and I see something flicker in Edmund's eyes.

"I understand and you are right. I'm sorry I got so defensive." He says and I nod.

Edmund's POV

I can see it in his eyes the pain and the determination. I know it's his past that drives him to want a more strict training. He wants so desperately for no one to go through what he did... I'm a little afraid for when he loses his first pack member and it will happen sooner or later. I'm not sure he will be able to handle it. He is right one loss is one too many but it happens. The best I can do is support him.

Cedric seems to be a bridge between my father and I. I've never liked his form of leadership but I guess I can see how I was too lax in mine. Cedric seems to be more balanced.

"So if you two don't have anything to add we can spread the word to the pack that all training starts tomorrow." Cedric closes out meeting.

"Sounds good." My father says and I agree.

I head back home and my youngest pup is quick to greet me.

"Da!" He yells running up to me as well as a nearly 2 year old pup can.

"Hello my little wolf!" I cheer picking him up.

"How did the meeting go?" Olivia, my mate, asks as she rounds the corner likely chasing the pup that is now in my arms.

"Father was there." I respond.

"So not good." She says.

"Actually better than you'd expect... I think Cedric has a mind to bring us together... odd considering his distance with me." I mumble the last bit.

"He will come around." She assures me. "I did."

"I hope so... are you sure we're good tho? I know you said you weren't mad at me about him but I understand if you are. My first pup wasn't yours. I get it if you are mad." I say. She keeps telling me she isn't mad but how can she not be?

"Do you want me to get mad? Keep asking and you may get your wish... I knew you were with other women. I think I've punished you enough over the last 17 years. You need him... This pack needs him and whether he admits it or not he needs you. As long as you don't forget your other pups while chasing his affection I don't have a problem. I would eventually like to meet him tho. I just don't want to push it. I'm not mad... I'm honestly surprised this is the first time a mystery pup of yours has shown up." She rants.

"You are amazing... God! I hope I don't have any more pups out there! It's hard enough knowing I missed out on one pup's life I couldn't take any more." I groan hugging her.

"You are a father of 7... I honestly hope that's all too... I mean seriously you already have more than a basketball team are we shooting for a baseball team now?" She asks laughing. I give a playful growl and kiss her.

"We could put this one down for a nap and try for another set of twins. I like baseball." I tell her.

"No nap!" Killian yells in my ear and we both laugh.

"Daddy was being silly Li. No nap right now." Olivia says taking the boy.

"Tonight" she links me and winks before walking away.

Maybe I will get that baseball team.

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