10 Homeschool

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Cedric's POV

"Wake up pup!" Zane yells and I look at my clock... that's a 4...3...0... 4:30AM! I don't got ta get up till 7!

"Noooo!" I groan.

"Yup! Up pup! You're training with me and your uncle remember?" He asks pulling away my covers.

"I don' wanna!" I yell flipping onto my belly and covering my head with my pillow.

"Tough luck pup." He laughs grabbing me by my ankle and picking me up.

"Hey! Put me down!" I yell and he laughs flipping me upright in his arms.

"Get dressed." He tells me setting me on my feet and tossing me a tank top and shorts. I groan as I put on my clothes.


"Alright nipote, from now on the three of us are gonna go for a run every morning before school." Unk says as I yawn while we stand outside the pack house. "This will help you keep your wolf calm. Then you will have school in Zane's office. After school we will teach you some fighting skills."

The sun is not even up! Why do we have to start now?!

"Alright pup go ahead and shift." Zane says as both adults head towards the woods to shift.

It's 6AM when we get back to the pack house. Zane gives me a bath to wash off the mud and has me take a nap while he heads to Unk's office to help him with paperwork or something.

8AM marks my second wake up call today.

"Nooooo!" I groan as my blanket is taken away.

"Time for school Cedric. Come on I'll introduce you to your new teacher." Zane tells me as he picks me up.

He carries me into his office and sets me at a little desk in the corner.

"Cedric I think you'll remember your uncle's mate and your new teacher Miss Milly." He says and I look down. I know she has been keeping her distance after I clawed her on my first day here. "Just yell if you need us Mil... be good and learn something pup."

"So how about we find out what you know and then we can build a plan to have you all caught up by next year." Milly smiles down at me.


"So how was school pup?" Zane asks as he walks into the office.

"Good... Auntie Milly says I'm super smart!" I tell him with a smile.

"I'm glad to hear it." He chuckles "were you good for your aunt?" He asks looking at Milly more than me.

"He was an angel." She smiles and he picks me up.

"I'm proud of you bub. Now let's go hang with your uncle for a bit." Zane tickles me as he heads to the Alpha office. "You ready Ray?" He asks Unk who nods and follows us out the door and into the gym.

"Now we are going to start with defense. If someone attacks you I want you to hold them off. Defend against the attack. Try to get away. Only respond if absolutely necessary." Unk says. "Now show me your stance."

Stance? What's that? I just go all out like the Tasmanian devil. I don't know what to do so I just kinda put my fists up and shrug. Zane chuckles and comes over to me.

"Spread your feet a bit to help you balance. Arms up to protect your head like this, and if they go for your body you can easily block it like this." Zane explains moving my body to show me how to move. "Now don't let him hit you." He steps away and Unk squares up with me.

Anyone with half a brain could tell I'm gonna lose this. I try to stop the hits with little success. He doesn't hit too hard. I can see how cautious Unk is being to not hurt me. Honestly he is just making me mad! I can't get the blocks right so I just want to hit him. Eventually I throw myself at him teeth first growling. In a second  I am pinned with my back to his chest with my arm crossed in front of me so I can't move or bite him.

"Breathe nipote." He whispers as I thrash in his hold. The calm he displays calms me. "Good job, Cedric. You lasted longer than I expected before lashing out. You did good bub."

"I... I couldn't block you." I mumble not seeing how I did good.

"Did you really expect to?" He asks and I shake my head. "You kept trying and you didn't lash out at me for about 30 minutes of practice. That is impressive pup."

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