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17 years later

"Run that by me again."

"You have to swim to the island grab a coconut and bring it back." I tell my 16 year old son.

"But I hate water! You know that dad!" He grumbles and I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Part of being a man is facing your fears. You are a great swimmer, Amadeo. Don't let one bad experience stop you. I know you can do this. It's not a far swim and I'm right here if you need me." I tell him and he sighs.

"You promise you'll be here?" He asks and I smile.

"I will always be here for you." I tell him and he smiles before wading into the water.

I watch my boy swim. He is like a fish. Has been from the time he was little. About a year ago he got caught in the undertoe and refused to touch the water since. It may seem cruel to make him face such a big fear but he will be Alpha soon and can't let something like this hold him back. We are a Costal pack for goodness sake he can't be afraid of water. Plus he loves to swim. I've seen him look longingly at the waves. This will help him in more ways than one.

Once Amadeo is on the island he waves back to me and I cheer him on. That's my boy. I'm sure he is smiling as he looks for his prize.

Amadeo POV.

I was scared out of my mind as the water reached my knees.

Face your fears you are an Alpha! I scold myself.

As the water reaches my chest I feel like I'm drowning. Like I'm being pulled under and taken out to sea.

Dad is here. He won't let me get hurt.

I am a man. I can do this!

I take a breath then start to swim. Dad was right it's not that long of a swim. As I make it to the island I can feel myself start to smile. I've missed this.

I wave back to my dad. I know he is proud of me. Even if this is as far as I get I know he is proud... but I'm gonna do one better. I grin as I find a coconut tree.

It's not as easy as you'd think to get a coconut. I try throwing rocks but fail. Eventually I shift my hands into claws and use them as climbing spikes. Not very comfortable bur effective enough. I grab my prize and put it in my backpack before heading back to the water.

The swim back was a bit harder with the added load but I made it. I truly missed swimming. I used to be out here every day. This was long over due.

"Im so proud of you!... Come on bud, show me." Dad says and I smile.

I open the bag and dump out the contents. Dad starts to laugh.

"Always the over achiever." He says picking up a coconut.

"Well I had to fill the bag... took a couple of trees to get enough." I tell him add he laughs before preping the coconut and handing it to me. I hold it as he preps another one.

"To my son. You are now a man." He says toasting me with his coconut. I tap mine against his and drink it. Dad gets a sour face as he downs it all and I chuckle. "Yea I still don't like coconut." He says.

"Then why'd you make me do it?" I ask and he shrugs.

"You like coconuts." That alone makes me smile. My dad the big bad Alpha noticed something so small and drank something he hates just to help me become a man. I couldn't ask for more.

"Thank you Dad. I love you." I say hugging him.

"Love you too, son."


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