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Today is the day.

I've been waiting for this day from the moment I met her.

Something told me she was gonna be mine but today is the day it is official.

"Where is she Sam?" I ask my Beta as soon as I see him.

"Where is who?" He asks with a smirk.

"Tell me or I'll break your hand." I growl and he laughs.

"Ralynn is with Gamma Gerald having their traditional father daughter birthday breakfast date. They should be back in about an hour." He answers and I head to my office not paying him any more attention.

I sit at my desk and pull out the black box. I open in to reveal a nacklace. It is a padlock in the shape of a paw print that says "forever and always" in cursive script. It is cute and can only be removed with a key I plan to keep around my neck. I hope she likes it.

I guess I've been staring too long as I hear a knock at my door. I close the box and get up to open it.

"She's outside." Sam says and I push past him. Time to find my mate.

I can smell her. It is amazing. I don't think I will ever be able to get over that scent!

As soon as I open the back door I see her.

"Mate." I whisper and she turns around. She looks a little shocked before smirking at me. I walk up to her ignoring everyone else.

"Mate." I repeat before wrapping her in my arms. "Mine"

"Possessive much?" She chuckles.

"You have no idea." I grin before pulling her into the woods so we can be alone. "I have something for you." I tell her pulling out the custom necklace. She opens it and smiles.

"It won't open." She frowns and I pull the key from under my shirt to unlock it. She rolls her eyes. "Like I said Possessive... is that really necessary?" She asks and I chuckle locking the necklace around her neck.

"Yes it is." I tell her as I pull out another key. She smiles and takes it trying to unlock the necklace.

"It doesn't work." She huffs and I chuckle earning me a glare.

"It's not for that lock." I tell her and she looks confused before I lift my wrist and her face lights up at the matching lock on my bracelet. Cheesy I know but girls like cheese right?

"So you can't take that off?" She asks and I nod pulling at it for proof. "Cheesy." She smirks.

"And you love it." I smirk right back and we both laugh.

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" I hear someone scream and turn to see Jesse looking ready to kill.

"Jesse calm down man." I say and he growls.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" He yells. "First you took the Alpha position. I thought I took that well. I didn't fight it you are the Alpha no complaints. Then you start moving in on Dad after putting him through Hell pining for your affection. Now you're the favorite son! The first born! The great warrior! After all that YOU get mated to the one girl I've ever loved! The world can't be so cruel!" He rants.

"Jesse you know you've always been like a little brother to me." Ralynn tries to help.

"Don't patronize me! You knew how I felt! I thought you felt the same! In another year it could've been me!" He yells at her then looks at me. "You've taken everything from me... I hate you... I HATE YOU!" He screams before lunging at me.

I quickly throw him away from my little mate. I can't let him hurt her.

"Go get my Pa." I tell her before focusing on my brother.

He keeps coming after me and it takes all of my concentration not to come unglued.

He isn't a threat. I dodge a punch.

He is Alpha born. He disrespects us. I block a kick.

He can't even beat the warriors. I dodge again.

But he is angry. I push him away from me.

He is still a pup. Another block.

He needs to submit to his Alpha.

He's my brother. I keep avoiding his attacks.

Half brother.

So was Ace.

At that thought my wolf calms. My mind is no longer at war. As much as my wolf wants submission he misses Acey just like I do and that thought shut him up. This is my brother and he is hurt.

"Jesse!" I hear Pa yell and he stops. "What are you doing son?"

"He took everything from me! My pack! My girl! You!... he took it all." The boy sobs and all I can think of is the twins telling me how much he longs for his father's approval.

"I didn't take your dad... I wouldn't. He may be my father too but that doesn't take him away from you. I'm sorry if I've taken his time but I know he loves you. He told me about how proud he was when you became a man. He is proud of you even if you aren't Alpha. You haven't lost your pack you are still very much a part of it and are welcome to help me run it. As far as Ralynn goes she is my mate. When you turn 18 and find yours she will be 100x better in your eyes because where little Red was made for me your mate will be made for you." I explain.

"I love you Jesse. For who you are and I'm proud of the artistic amazing man you are becoming. I love each of my pups differently but equally. Just like when your mom had a new baby and the new addition to the family took extra time I had to spend extra time with Cedric. That doesn't make me love you less he just needed me more. I love you son." Pa says and Jesse hugs him.

"I love you Dad." Jesse sobs as he holds our father. He composes himself before looking over to me.

"I'm sorry Alpha." He bows and I nod.

"It's all good brother." I tell him and he smiles.

"I think we need a family dinner tonight." Pa says and I groan. I love the pups that are my siblings but dang! They are a handful. Pa laughs. "It will do us all good. Plus you can introduce Ralynn as your mate."

"Sounds good!" She chips in and I sigh.

"Fine I guess you're right. Dinner for 10." I say and we all head home.

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