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I wake up at 4AM. I figure it's a good time to check out my new territory. I grab a pair of shorts and throw them on before heading out. No need for extra clothing when you plan to shift.

It's nothing like back home. I can smell salt in the air. My run starts off surrounded by trees but soon the dirt turns to sand and I am standing on the beach. I guess I was running longer than I thought as the sky is staring to lighten. It's not quite sunrise yet I'd say I've got another hour or so but it is beautiful. I've never seen the ocean before and now half my land borders it. I could get used to this.

I watch the waves lap at the sand and decide to step into the water. It feels nice covering my paws... I should head back.

As soon as I get back to the pack house I shift and put my shorts back on. I hear a gasp as I walk past the kitchen and turn around.

"Hello." I greet the young girl that is staring at me wide eyed.

"Your back." She whispers and I sigh. Everyone back home has already seen it. I didn't even think.

"I'm sorry if it upset you." I apologize hoping I haven't scared the young girl.

"No! It's just... does it hurt?" She asks.

"Not for a long time, pup." I chuckle. "I appreciate your concern. What's your name?" It's all scars now. Looks rough but I have no feeling in my back so no pain.

"Julia." She answers and I smile down at her.

"It's nice to meet you Julia... what has you up so early? I didn't expect to run into anyone just yet." I ask her.

"Mom makes me help out in the kitchen. Says I need an attitude adjustment." The girl rolls her eyes.

"Well I'd hate to keep you... maybe be a little more discreet with the eye roll and you might get away with it." I joke and she sticks her tongue out at me. I laugh and she smiles at me.

"It was nice meeting you bro but I got ta get back to work." She goes to turn around but I stop her.

"You're Edmund's daughter?" I ask. I'd forgotten what her name was but I'll sure remember now. She's a sassy little thing.

"Yea... you seem alright... for a brother at least. If I was gonna get another sibling I wanted a sister. I am so tired of boys!" She grumbles.

"Hey at least I don't live with you and if the others give you problems let me know. I like you little sister I won't let them be mean. Plus I'm the Alpha I can make things happen." I grin at her and she laughs.

"Cool! Thanks Ricky!" She yells hugging me.

"Ricky?" I ask.

"Cedric, Rick, Ricky... I get to have a nick name for you I'm the princess!" I can't help but laugh yet again.

"Alright princess but only you can call me that. Now I need to shower and get ready for the day." I tell her before heading back to the Alpha Suite. Once I'm showeres and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt I head out to find my office. As soon as I open the door I see my Beta hand poised to knock.

"Morning Alpha." He greets me. "What are your plans for today?"

"I would like to know where my office is and then I want a meeting with Edmund and Obed." I answer and he looks uncertain.

"You sure you want the two of them in a room together?" He asks.

"They are the two previous Alphas so yes I want to meet with them both." I answer and he whistles.

"I wish you luck with that pup." He says and walks down the hall. "This is your office. You can mind link them whenever you're ready. I'm gonna get myself out of the building before they show up."

I'm glad he mentioned that. I forgot I had a link here. I wonder why he seems to think the two men will cause trouble? Well I guess I'll figure it out soon enough. I sit at my desk and open up my first link.

"Gramps, mind meeting me in the office?" I ask.

"On my way." Is his response. One down one to go.

"Edmund please meet me in the office." I send out.

"Be there soon." He links back.

And now we wait.

Gramps gets here first.

"What do you need pup?" He asks and I ask him to have a seat.

"Morning Cedric." Edmund says as he walks in a second after Obed takes his seat. "What is he doing here?"

"I asked you both to come. Please have a seat Edmund." I answer. He seems reluctant but sits down.

"Hello father." He greets Gramps.

"Son." Gramps nods back.

I'm just gonna say it AWKWARD!

I clear my throat.

"You two are the previous Alphas of this pack. I wanted you to talk to me about any traditions or customs that are unique to this pack. Also I would like a rundown on current training practices." I inform them.

"And you needed both of us for that?" Edmund asks with attitude worthy of an unruly teen.

"I personally like my grandfather and I told you back in Central Pack that I would use you as an advisor. Now if you are going to pitch a fit I can reevaluate that. I believe in a council of advisors there is wisdom. You two obviously have your differences but I believe that different opinions can be helpful provided you can be civil and not act like a moody pup." I scold him. It feels weird considering they are both older than me but come on someone had to say it.

"I'm sorry. I'm here to help." Edmund nods.

"As far as traditions in sure Sam told you about building your own house... aside from that I can't think of anything that you didn't do in your old pack." Obed says.

"Well there is the whole coming of age thing... the twins will be going through it in a little over a year... basically at 16 each wolf must go through a big rite of passage. The father chooses what it is for his son. The mother for her daughter. It's always some dangerous stunt so the Alpha must approve it. You have to decide if what ever it is is too dangerous or not." Edmund tells me.

"Wow... and everyone does it? What type of things are we talking about?" I ask.

"I had to go into no man's land and could only return once I had the heads of 5 rogues but my father is a psychopath." Edmund answers and I sigh. That didn't last long.

"And I had to have ten plus I was drugged so I couldn't shift. I went easy on you boy!" Obed growls.

"Enough!" I silence them.

"So I take it that is no longer a normal request. What typically do people do?" I ask. I don't like the idea of people needlessly risking their lives but I can't destroy their culture either.

"Many go cliff jumping. Some hunt dangerous game. Spending a week in wolf form alone in the woods. Fight the Alpha. Those ate the most common I think. I had Jesse retrieve an egg from the highest nesting bird. We ate an omelet together from it and I told him he was now a man. The smile on his face... that was one of my proudest moments." I freeze... why does a part of me want this? I just thought how stupid it was but hearing him talk about his son. The one he wanted to take his place it just... I'm not jealous alright!

"Smooth Eddy... just go on about it in front of the boy you abandoned." Gramps's voice breaks me from my thoughts and I see Edmund's worried face snap to me.

"I didn't mean to... I'm sorry Ced..."

"It's fine." I cut him off. "I don't need you to tell me I'm a man. I don't need some stupid rite of passage." I grumble. I'm not sure even I believe my own words. "Alright what about training?"

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