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"Happy birthday Alpha." Sam says as he walks into my office.

"Hello Sam." I greet him.

After my family's visit a few months ago I've been a bit on edge. I visited them for Storm's birthday and Unk is fine. No hard feelings. Everything is back to normal for everyone but me. I'm afraid of myself. I'm afraid of what my wolf will do. He won't even admit he was wrong! He thinks Unk deserved to be forced down for challenging me to a fight in front of my pack.

"So are we celebrating? You need a break Cedric. You've been working non stop for months. If you aren't here you're on a run or in the gym. You need to live a little kid!" He says and I growl at being called kid. I am the Alpha! Knock it off he is still your elder and is trying to help!... I think I'm going crazy.

"Sorry Sam... but no I don't want a party." I say before reading some paperwork I finished two days ago. I'm actually way ahead and don't have anything to do but if I tell him that there will be a party.

"You've been avoiding your pack for too long Alpha. We want to celebrate with you so suck it up and paint on a smile." He grins and I sigh.

"One hour Beta." I conced. I'm honestly afraid to be around anyone. What if I hurt them? I can handle one hour.

Around 4pm Sam returns telling me it's time to party. I take a breath before standing up and leaving the safety of my office.

"Happy Birthday!" I hear hundreds of yells as I reach the back yard. No one looks frightened of me. Why don't they? Many of them saw me that day. Partially shifted out for blood. Yet they are all smiles making me smile in return.

"Thank you everyone. It's good to see you all." I say as they bring out a cake.

It was all normal party stuff. Cake and chatting. I've been here for two hours and I'm okay with it. I think Sam knew I needed time with my pack. It helps calm me more than the endless hours in the gym. I think my wolf and I have been alone together for too long.

"You've been avoiding me doofus." I hear and I roll my eyes.

"Could you at least go with Cedric?" I ask and she smiles.

"I like doofus better." She says and I chuckle. At least it's only one person.

"How are ya, little Red?" I ask and she scowls.

"My name is..."

"I know your name." I cut her off and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm good... almost 18. I can't wait! I just graduated last week and here soon I'll be an adult!" She is nearly bouncing at the idea.

"Congrats." I smile at her. As I'm about to say more my brother comes up to us.

"Hey Ced." He nods to me before focusing on Ralynn. "You wanna dance with me?" He asks her and she nods. A part of me hates to see her go but she is her own person. If she'd rather spend time with Jesse so be it.

"That boy has had a crush on her for years." Edmund says sitting next to me.

"Hey Ed." I greet him. We are on good terms. He's actually one of the few people who can say anything to me without my wolf standing up against them. I think it's because he recognizes him as the packs previous Alpha. At any rate my wolf respects him so I don't have to be on guard. "So Jesse and Ray, really?"

"A boyish crush. She has never reciprocated don't worry." He laughs.

"Why would I be worried?" I shrug.

"Can I be honest and tell you what everyone already knows?" He asks and I nod.

"Miss Ralynn is your mate... now no one can be certain for another couple months when she turns 18 but the way she calmed you that day... your wolves already know they just can't fully sense the bond yet." He tells me.

"I've thought as much but like you said we can't be certain." I say then growl when I see Jesse kiss her cheek.

"Calm down son. It was an innocent peck. No one knows if she is your mate remember. You can't get all possessive yet." Ed says and I pause.

"Son?" I question. I've told him not to call me that and he has listened. But for some reason it doesn't make me angry any more.

"I'm sorry Cedric. It just slipped out." He apologizes.

"It's okay Ed... I actually don't mind so much any more." I tell him honestly.

"So I can call you son? You are okay with that?" He asks and I nod. I'm starting to look up to the man. I can't judge him for the past forever. After a year with him I think it's time.

"So will you call me dad?" He asks then panics. "I shouldn't have pushed. Forget it. You don't need to..."

"Pick another name." I cut him off.

"What?" He asks confused.

"Zane is my Dad... if you want a title pick another one and I'll use it." I explain and he nods.

"Pa?... I mean it's a bit dated but it still means dad... is that okay?" It's like he's walking on eggshells trying not to offend me but I can see the hope in his eyes.

"Sure Pa." I laugh and he gives me a full smile.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this!" He says hugging me. I hug him back. The man is quite literally crying.

"We're back!" Ralynn cheers as she and Jesse return.

"What's going on Dad?" Jesse asks.

"Nothing bub... your brother just made me really happy." Pa says.

Jesse gives me a look before walking away.

"Dance with me Alpha!" Ralynn yells apparently not finished for the night.

"You good, Pa?" I ask and he nods.

"Go! Have fun. I'm great." He smiles as the little Red head pulls me into the crowd of dancing people.

I think my birthday turned out pretty well.

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