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Cedric's POV

In the past six months the warden has had his eye on me. It's like he longs to torture me. Ace has made it his mission to take as many beatings for me as he can. Once the warden realized that hurting Ace hurt me he made it his mission to keep my brother on the brink of death.

"Acey!" I cry as they drop him back in our cell. The smiles on the men's faces tell me my pain is their greatest pleasure. "Drink Acey. Please! You need your strength." I beg him putting a cup to his lips.

"I'm sorry CC... I couldn't get you out." He whispers in a raspy voice.

"We'll get out Ace! We will! Just hold on!" I beg as I hold his shirt.

A loud bang makes me look up from my brother as the door flies open. More men storm in. They look in the cells one at a time before a man bursts into mine. He reaches for ace and I growl.

"Leave him alone!" I yell and the man steps back.

"I need to.." he starts as he reaches for Ace again.

I jump up and bite his arm. Throwing wild punches I scream at him.

"Take me! He's had enough! It's me he wants to punish! Don't hurt my brother!" I beg.

"Stop!" The man growls holding my arms and I bow my head. Why do I always do this? I lash out and get beat. You'd think I'd learn.

The man let's me go once I'm still. He reaches for me and I flinch away from him and run to the other side of the room. The man's sad eyes look at me and then Ace. As soon as the man looks at him I throw myself over my brother.

"Please." I whimper. "Take me. Take me. Take me." I chant as I hold Ace close to me.

Alpha Raymond's POV

I watch the pup hold his brother's dead body in his arms. How do I handle this? I expected young women. I expected teenage girls. This pup however looks like he's five. How could they hold someone so young? Where is his mother? All I want to do is hold the boy and tell him he is going to be okay but I can't even move around him without him jumping.

"I just want to help you, pup." I tell him.

"You hurt. Everyone hurts. I'll be good just don't hurt him." He begs.

"Have you shifted, pup?" I ask to help me gauge his age. If he hasn't he is under the age of eight. The latest shifters shift at eight earliest at six. The boy nods.

"Last month." He whispers.

"Listen to your brother. Focus on his heart." I tell him. He has to know his brother is gone or he will never stop protecting him.

"No..." the boy whimpers. "No! Come back Acey! Don't leave me! You said we'd get out! You promised you'd get me out! You Acey! You have to get out with me! Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!" The boy sobs and growls as he beats his brother's chest.

I pick up the boy and hold him as he thrashes against my chest.

"Shhhh... shshshshsh... you're okay. You're safe. You're gonna be okay." I pat his back as a comfort until he calms down.

"But... hic... Ace. I... I got ta save him." He says as he looks over at his brother. I link a warrior to take the little body as I hold the living brother to my chest.

"He's gone pup, but you are safe." I tell him. The boy jumps as my man comes in.

"Where are they taking him!" The pup yells as the warrior takes the body.

"Shush pup. We're taking him with us. We'll bury him where you can visit as much as you want okay?" I offer.

"Bury him? Why? They just disappear once they die. You don't get to visit. They are just... gone." The pup says and my heart breaks. How many people has he lost?

"Back home we have a place to visit people once they're gone. We will put Ace there for you... let's go pup." I tell him as I stand up and carry him out.

"What about Ma? Can I visit her too?" He asks.

"Your mother? Was she in another cell?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"She died months ago." He says.

"Well... I can't bury her then but I can make a stone for her. A place for you to visit." The boy nods.

I go to pat his back and he stiffens. I guess the adrenaline has worn off. He seems afraid again. It's up and down with him. One moment he is yelling then he is cowering. Poor pup.

I strap the little guy in a car seat I linked one of the warriors to get as soon as I saw the pup. He begins to thrash around in a panic clawing at the straps so I climb in next to him and hold his hands. The pup flinches at the contact and my heart aches.

"This is to keep you safe while we drive. Look I'm gonna buckle in too." I say as I click my belt into place. "My warriors will too see?" I add and my men buckle up.

"What is this thing?" The pup asks while panting and looking around the car.

"The car? Have you never been in one before?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"I've never left the building. Ace and I were born there... the sun is beautiful just like Ma said..." he trails off as he looks out the window then begins to mumble. "Start each day with the sun's bright ray and sleep beneath the moons warm glow." My jaw drops as I hear his words. "Enjoy the summer's scorching heat."

"And always roll in winter's snow." I finish.

"Yea." He nods and I can see him nodding off as the car rocks. "I want to see snow." He yawns before falling asleep.

"How did he know that poem?" I whisper to myself watching the trees pass. Who is this boy?

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