08 New Beginings

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"Get up pup! Time for school!" Zane yells at me from downstairs.

"Do I have to?" I whine as I enter the kitchen.

I've been with Zane for a week and now he's sending me to this school thing. He says there will be lots of kids my age but that I will be in a special class until I catch up. I don't like other kids and I don't want to learn the stupid stuff. I don't want to go to school. It sounds awful!

"Yes, pup, you do." He tells me as he hands me my breakfast.

"I could just hang with Unk. I mean he's an Alpha he can teach me the school stuff right?" I ask trying to find some way out of this.

"He has his own work to do and you need to spend time with other pups. Make friends." He says.

"I don't deal well with other pups." I pout.

"Keep your claws in and maybe you'd make friends. Honestly Cedric I don't want to hear that you bit, clawed, or even growled at another pup. If something happens go to a teacher." Zane scolds. I mean I've only sent two boys to the infirmary. The the guys walked away from the other fights.

"And if they hit me first?" I ask and he growls showing his protective father side.

"Then beat them until they no longer pose a threat." And there's his Beta side coming out. I smile at him and he pulls me into a hug. "I just want what is best for you... give this a shot will ya, son?" I choke a little bit on that. He called me his son. Does he mean it? Should I call him dad? Does he want me to?

"I..ummm...yea... ummm..." I stammer.

"No pressure pup. You are my son but you can take as long as you need to consider me your dad." He says and I smile. "Come on were gonna be late." He takes my hand leading me to the car.

The ride is silent and I'm lost in thought. I don't even realize the car has stopped until Zane unbuckles my car seat and slides me out of the middle. I face him with my feet hanging out of the car door as he kneels in front of me.

"Listen pup, give this a chance. Take a deep breath. Your uncle, the doc, and I agree that this is best for you, but if it is to much just walk up to any adult and tell them you need the beta. They will get ahold of me and I'll be here in minutes. Be brave for me Cedric. You can do this. You'll be caught up in no time. You're only a year behind. I believe in you buddy. After school I'll take you on patrol with me as a reward. You've been begging me to take you... does that sound fair? You finish the day without problems and you go on patrol." Zane gives his little speech and I smile.

I can do this. Zane believes in me... plus I really want to go on patrol.

"Deal." I say hugging his neck.

"Alright pup. Have a good day. Learn lots." He tells me as he pulls away from the hug. I look at the school and am petrified.

"Will you walk me in? I don't know what to do." I ask and he smiles.

"Of course." He responds taking my hand and walking into the building.


Okay so I officially hate school. It is so boring! Luckily my Ma taught me some stuff. You know my ABC's and counting. I know my letters and numbers but it's different writing them in dirt with my finger. Now they have me using a pencil thing and my hand starts to hurt after writing. The teacher says I hold it to tight but I'm concentrating!

They were surprised I know anything so now they decided to work on my colors and reading and anything Ma couldn't teach me. It shouldn't be long before I'm in regular class.

I made it all the way to the end of the day without fighting and I didn't have anyone call Zane. I hope he is proud. It was hard. At lunch this guy kept saying mean stuff so I focused on my nuggets and bit my lip. At recess he kept pushing me around so I stayed close to the teacher. All I wanted to do was attack but I didn't.

Everyone is now standing out front waiting on busses and parents and I am so glad this day is over!

"Hey you!" I hear someone call out and I turn to see the jerk that has been on me all day. "So you're in a special class right? What are you retarded?" He asks and I growl.

That word should not be used! All I want to do is kill him now. No Cedric! Just ignore him for a few more minutes and Zane will be here.

"What you deaf and dumb too? Come on runt talk to me." He laughs getting in my face. With that insult I snap.

"To retard is to slow and no I am not mentally or physically slow. I can hear and speak so those insults are wrong too. And as to me being a runt? You are what eight? I'm 6 and nearly as tall as you! Give me a year or two and I'll be calling you runt! You just like picking on people to make you feel better. What your daddy doesn't give you enough cuddles?! Leave me alone you baboon. I don't want to fight you." I tell him.

"I'm almost ten." He growls.

"Proving my point. Buzz off bird brain!" I tell him and he gets even madder.

"That's it!" He yells punching me in the nose. I just smile. He hit me first.

With that punch I let out all the frustration I've held on to all day. I punch him then do a partial shift clawing across his chest. I hit and claw at him until I am lifted into the air by strong arms.

"Cedric!" A voice roars instantly stilling my motion.

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