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It's been two hours of shaking babies and kissing hands... wait reverse that! Shake hands kiss babies... it's all a blur. What surprises me is in all the madness I've yet to meet my other siblings. From the way Sam talked I'd expected to see them by now... I hate to admit it but I'm a little disappointed. I was starting to like the idea of having lots of siblings.

"Why the long face Alpha?" I hear someone ask as I am sitting in a lawn chair surprisingly alone for the first time since the party started.

"Just lost in my head." I answer looking up at the man. "So what should I call you?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"Well your siblings call me gramps... you are welcome to as well but my name is Obed." He says.

"Odd name." I respond then it's quite a few seconds. "Do you really want me here or is it a show. I don't want people pretending to want me... pretending to care. Do you see me as your grandson or as a mistake? I can take either answer and I won't judge you for your feelings but I want you to be honest."

"Wow pup... who jacked you up so much that you can't even accept family?" He asks and I sigh.

"It's been a long day... my grandfather on my mother's side tolerates me with thinly veiled contempt. Sam got my hopes up that Edmund's kids wanted to see me yet I still haven't met them. I can't remember half of the names of the wolves I've met. I just finished a 12 hr car ride and I haven't had the chance to eat... I didn't mean to hold that against you." I explain and he laughs.

"You really are big on honesty... do you tell everyone everything you are thinking?" He asks.

"Only a fool speaks his whole mind." I respond. "However nothing I've told you is worth concealing. You were an Alpha. I assume that you would be safe to speak to because even if you despise me you know that your pack would fall without me. Therefore you would say or do nothing to harm me unless I was a danger to the pack. My issues with family do not danger the pack they just give me a headache." He laughs at me again and I groan. He places a hand on my shoulder.

"To answer your question I do see you as my grandson. I never agreed with my son's ways but what can you do to stop a young Alpha? They think they know everything... but I can't hold that against you. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders... try not to curse in front of the pack the old crones will never let you live it down. Shorter is usually better and your personal feelings should be kept to a minimum in most circumstances... honestly your speech about clothes sold me long before you shared your past. Taking pride in your appearance is a lesson my son never listened to. Whoever taught you what it is to be an Alpha did well."

"Wow... I guess it's good to meet you then gramps... and thanks for the pointers." I give him a small smile and he holds out his hand for me to shake.

"You too, pup... and as to your siblings the baby got fussy so Olivia took him home. Julia took that as a free pass to avoid the party not necessarily you she is just a princess that hates crowds. She is honestly probably on her phone in the pack house avoiding us all. I swear she is a teen at 10. At 6 Brad is to young to stay out on his own. The twins were trying to sneak some whisky. Jesse is still trying to process that he isn't Alpha or the eldest. He just needs time as I'm sure you can understand. It's not always an slight against you when people don't show up. There's another pointer from an old Alpha. Don't jump to conclusions." He tells me.

"Thanks... sooo... where am I staying? No one has told me anything beyond we were having this party." I ask.

"Ready to leave already, Alpha?" Sam asks as he joins us.

"I'm thinking it's time for bed, Beta." I respond.

"Free at last! I've been waiting for you to wrap this up my bed is calling! Make the announcement, Alpha." He says.

"People don't just disperse on their own?" I ask.

"Normally yes but this is your party you decide when it ends." Sam answers and I sigh. I just wanted to slip away without the fanfare.

"Attention Southern Costal pack!" I announce and all chatter dies as the pack focuses on me. "It was wonderful meeting you all. Thank you for your warm welcome. I believe it is time to head in. Goodnight everyone."

"Goodnight Alpha." They all say.

"Much more concise." Gramps says before walking toward the house. "Come on pup!" He calls to me and I run to catch up. "This is the Alpha Suite. In this pack the Alpha stays here until he builds his own home for his mate and family."

"So every Alpha builds his own home himself?" I ask and he nods.

"It's tradition. Most start when they are 16 or 17 hoping to have it ready for when they find their mate." He tells me.

"Had Jesse started on his?" I can't help but asking.

"He has the plans but hasn't started. He may still build it tho. The pup is a master craftsman. He's always been more artistic than most young males. You should see his woodworking. It's impressive." He tells me.

"Maybe he'll help me with mine. I've never built anything like that." I say and he smiles.

"I think that is a good idea... but don't push him too hard. He may not warm up to you as quickly as the twins." I nod and head in saying goodnight as I close the door.

It is like am apartment. It is already furnished and all my boxes are stacked neatly in the living area.

"Home sweet home" I say falling into bed. Unpacking can wait until tomorrow.

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