22 New Pack

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"So we're having the ceremony as soon as we get home. Everyone wants to meet their new Alpha." Sam tells me as we enter the pack territory.

"Are you sure they will accept me?" I ask a little worried.

"They don't really have a choice." Sam shrugs.

"Kill me and let the next in line take over." I point out.

"The last time an Alpha tried do manipulate the succession to a younger son the next Alpha was born of a different family... you end up losing it all when you try to change fate." He says and I nod.

"We'll that is good to know." I chuckle. "At least I'm safe from my half brother killing me off." I say more to myself than him. It was honestly a concern. If he thinks I'm stealing his birthright who knows what he'll do. I feel bad for the guy.

"Jesse could never do yhat!" One of the twins laughs from the back seat.

"He hasn't even beat Greg yet!" The other adds.

"Greg?" I ask.

"Our head warrior. Jesse has a couple more guys to beat before he can challenge him." Sam answers.

"Oh... that means he's in the top five warriors in the pack. I'd say thats impressive." I tell the boys who seem less than impressed with their older brother.

"But not Alpha impressive." Fred says.

"I think the only reason Jesse wants to be Alpha is to impress Dad. He is always looking for approval." Hank adds.

"Most pups want their parents approval." I respond.

"Not me!" Fred says.

"Me either! I am what I am no matter what they think." Hank agrees and Sam laughs.

"Says the boys who bugged their parents for a week about their first football game. You boys were practically glowing when your dad started cheering when you scored. You may not act like golden boys but you want your parents approval like anyone else." Sam shuts them up as they both blush.

I'll admit it hit a little hard thinking about how much he loves his kids. I'm glad they have that. I had it good with Zane. Why is this annoying feeling in my chest wanting Edmund to be proud of me too... to cheer for me too. I'm Just being a baby. It's just my wolf who wants him. I HAVE A DAD! I don't need him.

"We're here Alpha." Sam breaks me from my thoughts. "The ceremony will be around back."

"Hey hand me the black backpack would ya?" I ask the back seat.

"You mean the one with a dragon on it?" Hank asks laughing at me.

"Yes because dragons are awesome." I answer grabbing the bag. "Give me a minute to get ready alright Sam?" I ask him as we enter the pack house. The place is massive. I'll be needing a tour later. "Oh and point me to the nearest bathroom."

"Down the hall. Fourth door on the right." He tells me.

I head down the hall and slip into the bathroom. I take a three minute shower. Not all that relaxing but enough to scrub off the 12hr road trip and make myself somewhat presentable. I grab the clothes I'd picked for the ceremony out of my backpack. A green dress shirt (sleeves pushed up above my elbows and a few buttons undone), dark jeans, a black suit vest, and my wolverine boots. I want to look presentable but I ain't wearing a suit. I figure my hair will stay damp long enough to get through the ceremony so I just use the water to tame it and leave the room in less than ten minutes.

"Was changing really necessary?" Sam chuckles as we make our way outside.

"Yes." I tell him. "I refuse to meet my pack in sweats. I have more respect for myself and for them. Any leader who is to lazy to take a moment to be presentable before addressing his people is unworthy of the position. I hold my pack in to high a regard to give them any less. How can I expect them to follow me if I can't even take care of myself?" I rant a little looking at him as we walk. Sam chuckles and pushes my shoulder so I turn to see the entire pack watching us. Well that is not the speech I would have wanted to start off my term as Alpha with. I feel my cheeks go red as Sam pats my back and walks up onto the stage and I follow after him.

"Thank you for coming to see our new leader... well I guess he doesn't need to much more of an introduction." Sam laughs and I hear a few chuckles only causing my cheeks to flame more. "Welcome our new Alpha Cedric!"

As soon as I make eye contact with the crowd they all drop to one knee.

"Alpha." They all say at the same time. Well Sam was right it is far more impressive at a ceremony than in a hallway.

"Rise." I call over the crowd and they all stand. "As you all know my name is Cedric. I know you don't know much about me. I am a firm believer that secrets only cause division. I can't ask you to follow me without knowing who I am. With that in mind I'm going to tell you all exactly how I got here. My mother was the daughter of the former central packs Alpha. My father... is... was your Alpha." That part was hard to say but I see Edmund's eyes light up as I claim him. I take a deep breath composing myself. "I was born in a cell. My brother and I brutally beaten daily. I lost both my elder brother and mother in that Sh** hole... sorry to those with pups." I really didn't plan on cursing. "I don't tell you this for sympathy. I don't want your pity. I was saved by my uncle Alpha Raymond. I was raised by his Beta. From the time I was 15 I was trained to be Alpha of the central pack. Knowing I had an Alpha wolf and not knowing who my father was we assumed I'd be taking his position... I just want you all to know that I'm not some rutty pup trying to take over your pack. I have worked hard to be a respectable leader. I may have expected it to be a different pack but I am proud to be your Alpha. After meeting your Beta and frankly having him set me straight on a few things... By his personality I'm sure many of you have been in the same position." I chuckle and hear most of the pack join me as they nod. "Meeting some amazing warriors." I nod to the guards that were with us. "And my younger brothers. The twin terrors was it Sam?" I joke earning me some real laughs and a few cheers along with a "Hey!" Yelled from one of the twins. "Then actually talking with my father who I'd believed was a monster... realizing who he really is... I'm rambling now..." I sigh. "Getting to know just a few people from this pack I knew it was where I belonged. I want to get to know the rest of you. I want you to accept me not just because your wolf demands it. I understand as Alpha I have your submission but I will do everything in my power to earn your respect. I respect you all enough to give you an honest look at your new Alpha and I expect honesty in return. Let me know what is going on in the pack. Let's work together to keep this pack strong. Together we are a family and I just hope you will all accept me into it." I nod to Sam and take a step back.

"Well that's all folks. You are welcome to hang out. We'll have a fire going here soon and a party welcoming our young Alpha. Make sure to shake his hand and introduce yourself, dismissed." Sam announces.

"May I speak!?" I hear an older man call out. Sam looks at me and I step up beside him.

"You may." I nod to him.

"I can't speak for everyone but for me... well I'm happy to have you as my Alpha... ya might wanna plan out yer speeches a bit more tho pup." He smiles and nods at me. I can feel myself blush but nod back.

"I'll do my best sir. Thank you for your honesty." I tell him and the party starts.

"Do you know who that was?" Sam asks as we leave the stage.

"Should I?" I respond and he laughs.

"You just met your grandfather. He seems to like you... and he's not impressed by anyone." Sam laughs.


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