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Okay so my mind makes up story lines that don't always make it in the book because I'll get focused on something else. I still think of these stories as tho they happened you just don't get to know about them most of the time. You miss out not being in my head... no. You don't want to be in my head it would scare you. Anyway I thought you might want an extra chapter with the twins considering they kinda dropped out and I love the two of them. So this takes place shortly after Cedric cane to the Southern Costal Pack. Enjoy!


Cedric's POV

"Come in." I say when I hear the knock at my office door. "Have a seat boys."

"What's with the big bad Alpha routine? What happened to the guy singing with us in the woods?" Fred asks and Hank nods.

"I just thought I'd return these." I say pulling out about 13 bugs I found in my office.

"You think those are ours!" Hank feign hurt and I just stare at him. "Okay they are but that was before you became Alpha and we like to be in the know."

"Using one's that only active when someone is talking was a smart move considering Sam was sweeping this office so frequently." I tell them and they smile.

"We do our best!" Fred says.

"I wanna make you boys a deal." I say.

"What kind of deal?" Fred asks seeming suspicious of me.

"I want to train you. You are sneaky and I can use that." I tell them and they start bouncing.

"We're gonna be ninjas!" They yell and I chuckle.

"More like spies. My spies. I will train you and let you go on missions as long as you swear to spy for me not on me. Do we have a deal?" I ask and they look at each other. I moment later Hank gets up and drags his chair over to a vent. He climbs on top of it, opens the vent, and reaches inside before climbing down and returning his chair to its proper place.

"It's a camera. No audio. Normal sweeps won't pick it up. You're clear now. When di we start?" Hank smiles at me. Looks like they are in.

Fred POV

2 years later.

"I got a mission for you." Cedric says as we sit in his office.

"Dad won't agree. We're still minors." Hank says.

"Our father isn't Alpha. I'll deal with him if you boys want to go." Cedric promises.

"Heck yea a vacation with no consequences score!" I say and he laughs.

"The neighboring pack has been scent marking our border. It feels like they are getting closer to us. Like they are trying to inch away at our land. I want you two to investigate." Cedric says.

"What do we do if we get caught?" Hank asks.

"We don't get caught." I answer.

"If you get caught tell the Alpha who you are and how old you are. Be honest on that. Then tell him your big brother is a jerk and you needed a break. Alpha kids are notorious for running off and making rash decisions. He'll buy it and return you home to keep the peace. It only works because you are minors." Cedric explains and I got ta admit my brother is good. Not as good as Hank and I but good.

"We're on it Alpha." Hank and I jump up giving him a salute before laughing and running out. I'm sure there was more to say but we're excited. Dad never wanted us to Dad any training and now we're secret agents!

"Secret agent man. Secret agent man." I hear Hank whisper and I can't help but laugh. This is gonna be good.

We hide out just over the boarder and watch as a group of men come up to the boarder sniff then walk a couple feet into our territory before scent marking. No wonder we hadn't noticed. A few feet every so often who would notice? Other than Cedric of course he would.

I nod to Hank and we follow the men as they head back home.

To make a long story short we broke into the pack house and stole some plans to take our land inch by inch... and well... now we are running from the guards that we ran into in the woods as we were fleeing. Knowing they are gonna catch us I hide the plans then we run around a bit never heading home just acting like reckless pups trying to lose the adults chasing us. Eventually we get caught. We don't fight even tho we could. I trust Cedric. He is a good Alpha so I'm gonna bet he's right about what will happen if we act like a couple disgruntled runaway teens.

"Let go of me creep!" I yell pulling away from a warrior.

"Yea paws off!" Hank yells.

"You're just a couple of pups." A bigger man says. Beta if I were to guess. "You needed help for this Dean? Pathetic. Let's get them to the Alpha."

"Pkeas no!" I beg.

"Sorry pup." He says before dragging us away.

"So why are you in my territory and why were you so desperate not to see me?" The Alpha asks as soon as he sees us.

"You're gonna send us home!" Hank pouts. If I didn't know better I'd believe him.

"I can't deal with him right now!" I add.

"Who?" The Alpha asks.

"Cedric." We both grumble.

"Alpha Cedric?" He asks and we nod.

"For a big brother her kinda a jerk." I say.

"You'd think having your brother as Alpha would have its perks but nope! Hrs more concerned with his mate and out sister. She's the favorite." Hank says.

"I don't know Jesse has been helping him out a lot with that house." I say and Hank nods.

"True now he never has time for us and dad is a pain! Ahhh! And now we have to deal with another Alpha!" Hank groans.

It doesn't really bother us that much but the rest is true. That's the trick with lying and acting like this. Make it as close to the truth as possible. The Alpha laughing stops my train of thought and I look at him.

"Do you two always ramble back and forth like that?" He asks.

"Yes." We respond together.

"Beta Sam calls it twin land." I tell him and he laughs.

"Well as fun as this has been I don't want a fight with your brother. I'm gonna have to call him and let him know you are here. Then you will be escorted to the boarder where he will pick you up." The Alpha says and we groan. This is working perfectly.

We are brought to the boarder where Cedric growls at us.

"You two home now!" He orders and we run off before hiding in the trees.

"Thank you for returning them." Cedric nods to the other Alpha.

"Any time Alpha Cedric." The Alpha says before leaving.

"We're you successful?" Cedric asks is as we meet up for our walk home.

"The evidence is hidden not far over the boarder. We will retrieve it tomorrow." I tell him and he nods.

"Good job boys." He smiles and we head home.

We are officially super spies!


If you liked this try my other stories. The series starts with Alpha Lilly and has a guide at the end for my other books. Thanks for reading!

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