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"Straight through to the kitchen. Ask for Luna Milly. Tell her CC sent you." I tell them.

"CC?!" They yell and laugh.

"Or you can let her think you are rogues and she'll have you thrown in a cell. This is the one time you get to use that name." I tell them and they nod before following my instructions.

"Where's Edmund?" I ask Sam as he smiles at me. "What?"

"You did well with them... I honestly thought they would be a sticking point when it comes to you and your family. They are a little much for most people." He says before leading the way to my father.

"They seem cool... impressive too getting here on their own. You couldn't even scent them until I told you they were there... they will be useful as they grow up. Good men... thye could stand to mature a bit but why worry about that now? Let them have some fun." I shrug.

"I don't know if I've said this yet but I'm proud to have you as my Alpha. You've been through alot and are handling this better than anyone expected." He tells me as we reach the study.

"Just talk to him." He whispers before pushing me in and closing the door.

"Edmund." I greet the man sitting on the large brown leather couch with a drink in his hand.

"Cedric! I'm sor... the way I spoke to you was wrong." He says I smile a little when he stops the word Sorry. "I will never regret standing for my pups but you deserve the same consideration. I won't push you but please... just don't let your hatred for me extend to them."

"How could I hate them. I don't know them... however Hank and Fred seem pretty cool." I say and he smiles.

"Thise two are a handful and a half bot I love them... you should have seen... wait how do you know anything about the twins?" He asks and I smile.

"Chill Edmund they are fine. Eating their fill as we speak and will likely be in bed within the hour if I know my aunt." I tell him and he looks mad.

"They came here on their own?! They could have been killed! They are only 14! This is a two day trip! Why can't those boys ever listen!?" He growls.

"They are safe that's what matters... plus I think ist good they came... for me at least. I'll be honest I had no intention of being around your family... but Sam being annoyingly right made it clear that wasn't an option. Meeting them made me a bit less worried about the rest." I tell him.

"Yea Sam is good at that... his father was too. I'm glad you like them and happy you are okay with meeting the rest... it's just hard when it comes to you. You are the only one of my pups that I missed all the firsts for crawling, walking, first word... I missed your first shift! That is like the father's biggest moment with his pup. The first run... I regret that I missed it all and that that makes our relationship different. I want to make it all up to you but you won't let me. I get why. I understand and I won't pressure you but give me a little grace when I mess it up would ya?" He rants. For the first time I really see him. He looks so... so broken. That little part of me that wants him to be a part of my life whines. Now I'm sure it's just my wolf.

"Look if it makes you feel any better no one alive today saw any of those firsts." I give a humorless chuckle. When I look back at him he seems even more sad and broken.

"Tell me about it?" He says gesturing to the other side of the couch. "You don't have to but I think it will help me understand you better."

I sit opposite him with a sigh.

"You really don't want to know Edmund. It will only hurt you." I tell him. I honestly don't want to hurt him any more. I don't trust him, I don't like him, but I don't want to hurt him.

"Probably true... but if it helps you... if it helps us get to some kind of functional relationship I'll take the pain. I'd do anything for my pups." He says. As much as I want to say "I'm not your pup" I don't.

"You first... I have no problem talking about my past. I've told my story to this entire pack to stop the rumor mill... but I want to know. If you are a good man how did any of this happen?" I ask and he sighs.

"I'm afraid you will think less of me than you already do." He says.

"Up until I met you I thought you were a monster that raped women for your own pleasure never caring about anyone but yourself and your own desires... just about anything you say is better than that." I tell him and he nods.

"You know you can find your mate at 18. By 20 most everyone has their mate.... well at 23 I didn't. I got impatient and decided it didn't really matter. I slept with a lot of women. I'm not bragging. I regret it but it is true. It destroyed my reputation among the other Alphas... well that's probably more because I was with many of their daughters than the fact I didn't wait for my mate." He pauses and looks away from me. "What you really want to know about is when I went to an Alpha meeting in the Northern pack. I was with a group of men. I won't name names because I don't want any hard feelings against them but one guy mentioned a nearby brothel. I was reluctant at first until he sad "Come on man they ate just making a living." We believed that was true. We went, found some girls for the night, paid for their time and left... gosh there were so many girls there... and so many men... I wonder how many knew... anyway it never even occurred to me I could have a pup. I always wanted a family but that was a future thought. I walked away and never looked back... that is until I lost my Alpha power."

"And then you came here." I finish his story and he nods.

"And then I came here to meet the son I failed... so tell me how did you become the man I see today?" He asks.

"Well I'd you're sure you want to know... I was born in a cell. I had my Ma and my brother Ace. When you talk about firsts I honestly don't know most of them. First word, first step... crap I didn't even know my exact birthday until I became an Alpha." I chuckle. "Ma died before my first shift. It was Ace that helped me through. It didn't hurt that much but I was beaten so regularly I guess it just blended in. When they realized I couldn't feel the pain any more they beat Ace. He died right before Unk saved me. He was my protector, my friend, my brother... he was everything. He died saving me. Ma died when a man wanted me. Everyone died for me to live." I wipe a tear. "When I got back here Zane knew I was his mate's pup. Ace was his but he still took me in. He said mates share everything and since I am her pup I'm also his. He helped me control my anger, helped me fight, helped me in school... you mentioned my first run? I'd never been outside until they rescued me. My first run was a few months later when they realized I wasn't shifting. I had Unk and Zane. We stayed out all night and slept under the moon. "Sleep beneath the moons warm glow." It was a good night... from when they got me on my life was good. I still have the scars but I survived. I started Alpha training at 15 so I know what I'm doing... I guess that's it. That's how I got to this point."

"I know you hate it but I'm sorry for all you went through. You are a strong pup and I'm proud of you... I'm glad you had someone to be a father to you even if it wasn't me." He says.

"I had two dads really. Unk was just as much a dad to me as Zane. His son is only two so it's like he's starting over now. I was his first kid and Aunt Milly loves me like I'm hers too." I smile at the thought of my family.

"I don't mean to replace them... but if you are ever open to a third dad I'd be happy to take the position." He tells me then sighs. "I really should check up on the twins... I'm glad we talked Cedric, goodnight."

"Goodnight Edmund." I respond.

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