06 Anger

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"We need to talk pup." Uncle Ray says as he tucks me into bed.

"Yea Unk?" I ask as I sit up.

"Unk?... I like it." He laughs and I smile. It is so much shorter than Uncle Ray.

"But we still need to discuss tonight, Cedric." He gives me an all business look and I nod.

"What my father said was wrong. You are my nephew and his grandson. He is hurting over your mom but he will come around. I love you, pup. There is no excuse for what he said and one day he will regret it." Unk tells me and I smile.

"Thanks." I say.

"Now for your behavior." He continues and my smile drops. "You are a member of the Alpha family. Many people are going to say bad things about you but you can't go around stabbing people. As an Alpha you need to control your anger. We are hot headed by nature so you need to work on it. If I wouldn't have stopped you you would have went for the kill. You can't do that pup." He lectures.

"Ace tried to get me to keep my head down but I can't! When people say that stuff I get angry and I start shaking and my wolf growls in my head and he wants them to roll over under us. I can't stop him!" I try to explain.

"He wants submission when he feels disrespected." Unk says and I nod. "You are a true Alpha wolf then... do you know who your father is?" I shake my head no. "I'm gonna help you control your wolf but know I won't allow this behavior. You get a free pass tonight but I won't have you going feral. That is bad for you and the pack. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir." I mumble.

"Good!" He smiles down at me as he stands up. "Sleep tight pup. I'll see you in the morning." And with a kiss on the head he leaves. I curl up in bed and allow myself to drift off.


"Ahhhhh!" I jerk out of bead screaming. All I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears. I feel hands on me and lash out.

"Cedric!" A voice yells breaking my trance.

"Unk?" I say once I can focus on his face. Then I see the claw marks on his arms and panic again. "Sorry, sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to! Don't punish me please! I'm sorry!"

He pulls me into a hug and rocks me.

"Shhh, pup. I know. You're not in trouble." A calm down and look up at him.

"I'm not? But you said..."

"There is a difference between panic and rage. The panic attacks will get better as you begin to feel safe here. You have little control over them. Rage is you choosing not to control yourself. It is hard to learn control but you will do it. I won't punish you for being afraid. If you want to talk about it I'm always here." He explains.

"Okay... thank you." I respond glad that he is there for me.

"I'm taking you to the pack house today. I have some work to do and we have a few nice ladies that will watch you along with the other pups whose parents are working." He tells me and I nod.

Unk pulls me out of bed and hands me some clothes to change into.


"Alright, C, this is Miss Julie. I want you to be good for her and try and make some friends. I'll be down in my office if to need me." Unk tells me as he drops me off in a big room filled with toys and games.

"Do I have to stay here?" I whine holding on to him tight. He crouches down to my level.

"I need to talk to someone in private. When that is done if you still want out of here I'll let you hang out in my office. Just try to have fun, pup." He says and I sigh.

"Alright... hurry please!" I beg and he laughs.

"Of course." He kisses my head and leaves.

When I turn around all the kids are looking at me. I gulp. Well here goes nothing!

Alpha Raymond's POV

After dropping off the boy I head to my office. Zane should already be there.

"So how's the pup?" He asks as I enter and I pause. How does he know? Zane starts to laugh. "News spread quick that our Alpha took in a pup from that slime pit. So... boy? girl? age? Tell me about my niece or nephew."

Well I guess he doesn't know.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about." I start and he sits down.

"I'm listening." He smiles. He seems excited for me knowing Milly can't have a pup of her own I guess. Cedric is more his son than mine. He is his mate's pup.

"I found the boy in a cell with his older brother in his arms badly beaten." I tell him.

"Wow... you play hero while I have to take care of the bodies. So unfair!" He chuckles. My happy friend is back now that we avenged his mate. I guess it helps that he thought she was dead 9 years. He's had time to grieve.

"Yea but about the boy..."

"Alpha I need you back here!" A panicked mind link from Julie cuts me off.

"Crap! I got ta go. Something's up with the pup." I say as I run out the door.

I feel Zane on my heals as I run upstairs. As I enter the children's area I see a half shifted Cedric tearing into an older boy.

"Enough!" I command seeping Alpha power as I pull the boy up by his scruff. "Nose in the corner, NOW!" I push Cedric the corner so I can check on the other boy. I kneel down to assess the damage his little claws caused.

Beta Zane POV

I watch the pup shake uncontrollably as he makes his way to the corner. He is crying and hyperventilating. The boy looks like he is about to collapse.

While the Alpha takes care of the injured one I guess the Beta should talk to the other one. As I walk over to him his scent shocks me.

"Mate?! Pup smells like mate! Mate's pup!?" My wolf rambles, confused.

"You okay pup?" I ask him cautiously as I have him turn to look at me.

Looking at him is like a slap in the face. Her eyes, her hair, her nose. This is a little male version of my mate.

"Don't whip me! I'm sorry! I know I was bad! I got angry but please no!" He begs and I can't help but hold his shaking frame.

"No one is gonna whip you, pup. Calm down." I tell the boy. I look down at him and have to bite back a growl. His shirt is tattered from his partial shift and I can see the scars on his back.

"They hurt mate's pup!" My wolf growls in outrage.

"And we killed them all." I remind him.

"W... who... are... you?" The pup sobs distracting me from my wolf.

"Beta Zane." I tell him and his eyes go big.

"Z... Zane?!" He repeats as his jaw drops.

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