Stay With Me

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Theo was waiting for Liam In front of the school . He was thinking about Th other night. About how Liam was worried about him.
He was worried about me. He smiled at the thought.

"Looks like someone's in a good mood." Liam said walking towards the older boy.
Theo smiled. Almost like smirked.
"So, why did you call me last night?" Theo asked as Liam smiled.

"Uh.. I was kinda worried that the Hunters would come after you. Besides you're living in your car. I felt bad because you don't deserve that. A- at least I don't think you do." Liam was now nervous again. He didn't know why he would always get so nervous when he talked to Theo.

"Thank you." Theo said smiling.

Liam loved his smile. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest. He wanted to hug the older boy so bad.
What the hell. Why am I feeling like this. Why the hell would I wanna hug Theo. I mean he's Theo Raeken. Shut up. Shut up mind. Shut up.

"So.. uh um do you wanna come to my place and stay with me until you graduate and get your own place?"
Ugh! Why did I ask him to that?

"Liam I don't think that's a good idea... I mean no one likes me here. Scott told me to leave BH. He doesn't ever wanna see my face again... Malia will probably kill me if I stay. Well, you know about Stiles.. he's got a bad feeling about me staying here." Theo said.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Because they're not here anyways. And.. I believe that.. maybe I don't know? Maybe I believe you?" Liam said.

"You do? You want me to stay here?" Theo held an unexplainable expression.

"I- um I don't know. Um you can stay if you'd like. Um so yeah. I just- you know that I'm here if you wanna stay.." Liam mumbled not knowing how to answer that because he does want Theo to stay.

On the other hand, Theo wanted to stay in beacon hills with Liam he would do everything to see Scott McCall's little beta everyday.. he wants to save Liam. He wants to know more about Liam. He wants to.....

"Liam I do want to stay here.. but-" Theo was cut by Liam giving him a tight hug.

A/N : Hello I'm really excited about this story I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. We know Liam is in love with Theo but when will he understand his feelings about Theo ?? Let's see what happens next!

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