Don't Wanna Be Alone

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Theo stared at the beta for a while.

"You're leaving tomorrow.." Theo said.

"Y-yeah. I have to go uh- see you in the morning or I'll be late-" Liam said but he was cut by Theo grabbing his wrist tightly. He squeezed it.

"What- what are you doing Theo?"

"Is it okay if I sleep in your room? My nightmares won't go away if I sleep here. Alone. Your scent helps me sleep. I figured that yesterday. When you came here and hugged me and then the bed smelt like you a- and I didn't have any nightmares." Theo finished licking his lips.

"Really?" Liam said so softly that only werewolves could hear him.

Theo nodded eagerly.

"Okay then" Liam smiled. Theo couldn't help but smile back. He liked that smile.


Theo and Liam were laying on Liam's bed. Shoulders brushing since his bed wasn't that big.

"Theo" Liam whispered softly turning his gaze at the older boy.


"Be careful"

"Hmm?" He turned around to see Liam's face looking at his eyes.

"I mean, I don't trust Peter. Just look after my friends and-" he paused.


"Don't die" Liam said.

"I won't. Not until you come back." Theo smiled. Then said "You too"

Liam smiled and turned around to hide his blush. He heard Theo's heart skip a bit. He smiled at that.

Next morning both of them woke up and hurried to go to school when school was over. Scott came over at Liam's house to pick Liam up and talk to Theo a bit. Sure Theo killed Scott. Technically of course. Scott didn't trust Theo now but he believed Liam. That Theo's changing. Scott noticed it too. But he can't just forgive him. He needs to wait and see that if Theo is betraying them again.

Now Liam was leaving the house and Liam's parents were never home his mom, his mom lived somewhere near beacon hills because it's easy for her work. And his step dad lived with him. He knew about the supernatural so they didn't have to lie. He trusted Scott enough to let Liam go with him.

He was leaving the house looked at Theo staring at him. He wasn't happy. But he had to go anyway. Scott was waiting for him outside. He turned around from Theo to leave when Theo ran and grabbed his wrist like the other night. He looked at Theo with wide eyes.

"Don't die" Theo breathed heavily.

Liam smiled. He thought about telling Theo right now but it wasn't a good time for them. "You too" Theo smiled back as he glanced over at Liam's lips. AGAIN THIS IS HAPPENING AGAIN. SHIT THEO LOOK AT SOMEWHERE ELSE. Theo thought to himself as he tried to look away but failed.

Liam noticed and well Theo was still grabbing his wrist.

"Liam, we're gonna be late!" Scott yelled.

That startled both of them.

"So..uh see you then?" Liam said turning away.

"Okay" Theo smiled.

Liam jumped on the jeep of Stiles which he gave to Scott.

Scott smiled.

The car ride was silent. Then Scott spoke. "Liam, when I called you.. you were with Theo?"

"Um yeah we- were.. just uh-" Liam stuttered as he remembered what was happening.

"You like him, Don't you" Scott said.

"Uh um yes- no" he couldn't hide that from Scott anyways.

"Liam, listen it's totally okay. I'm not mad or anything but just be careful with him. I'm pretty sure he likes you too. But just you don't want you to get hurt. You know" Scott said his voice full of concern.

"I know" Liam smiled.

"Okay, okay I interpreted you two last night, sorry" Scott laughed. Liam laughed. They were now going to to meet Malia, stiles, Derek and Lydia. Then the new werewolf they found. Alec.

A/N : heellooo this was short but I hope you enjoyed!

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