It Won't Happen Again

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Life was okay after a long time. For Liam and Theo both. Not just them but also for every pack member. They caught a lots of hunters and sheriff Stilinski put them in jail for killing inocent teenagers. Everyone knew now about the supernatural. Some people supported and some were still scared of them but they understood that killing the supernatural isn't the solution.

Ever since Scott left for college, Theo started working with Deaton and pretty much everyone like the Sheriff, Argent, Nolan, Melissa started to trust him. Mason and Corey were busy planning to move in the same apartment because Corey's parents were leaving for London.

"Hey Liam, where's Theo?" Mason asked as they both helped Corey pack all his stuff.

"He's uh working with Deaton." Liam mumbled.

"Is everything okay? I mean you guys seem a little bit-" Mason stopped helping and and sat down on the floor looking over at Liam who looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Distant?.. well ever since we had our first date, we both got really busy with exams and I'm just- I don't know.. I still can't believe we're gonna leave for college next year and what if we don't get into the same college then he forgets about me-" Mason laughed as he shook his head at Liam's worried expression.

"Dude, calm down. It's next year just try to study and get your grades up. I'm sure you can do it and there's one thing I know about that boy is that he will never forget about you. Okay? Trust me I just know. He looks at you like you're the only one, his only one, like his life depends on you." Mason said softly. Liam just blushed and a small smile appeared on his face.

"I think you should talk to Theo about it too" Corey smiled and handed him a bag.


It was almost 8 pm when Theo got home and took a quick shower before he went to his room then he saw Liam sitting on his bed. Theo smiled and sat beside Liam. Liam smiled back.

"Hey" Theo said softly as he kissed Liam's forehead. Liam closed his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking.

"I think we uh- need to talk"

"I...was thinking the same" said Theo looking a little nervous.

"I just- I know why we're distant lately. You don't have to explain but I'm just- we're gonna go to college next year and I still can't. Look at my grades. What if we don't get in the same college and.. and.." Liam stuttered.

"Shh.... Little beta, calm down. We're not going to different colleges okay? Even though if we do, it's not how you think it will be. We'll still go on stupid dates and do all the things that boyfriends do." Theo cupped Liam's chin and kissed his forehead once again.

"Wherever you go, I'll follow you. It's not that easy to get rid of me now is it?" Theo whispered and Liam chuckled.

"And also I'm so sorry that we're distant. We shouldn't be. We... Should be more close. I miss cuddling you." Theo said and Liam frowned.

"I'm sorry too and yeah I missed cuddling you too" he touched Theo's chin and Theo leaned forward and pressed his lips against Liam's. Liam kissed him back. They kissed for a while, enjoying the taste of eachother's lips. When their lips let go of eachother, Theo looked at Liam and grinned.

"It won't happen again, I promise" he reassured the Beta and smiled at how Liam blushed.

"I know and I promise too." Liam said diving Theo into another kiss.

I'm back bitches. But anyways I feel like this story was so rushed lmfao since it was my first story. I really have no idea what to do with this anymore so I'm guessing I should just end it with another chapter or smth?

Btw I'm so busy with school tho ugh school sucks.

I also changed the chapter names bc it looked weird. Anyways the whole story was weird tho 😃 but anyways I kinda edited some parts.
Tell me if you have any ideas?

Hope you're doing well. Take care of yourself! <3

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