All the Endings Have New Beginnings

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Liam never thought his life would be better after he got bitten. His life changed so quickly over a night. At first he didn't want it but he accepted himself over the years. It was such a long ass journey. But Theo and his pack made it so much easier.

Yep, it was a long journey but he has to deal with longer journeys from now on.

College. They were going to colleges. All of them. Mason, Corey, Theo and Liam. Sometimes Liam felt like he was having a fever dream. Although Theo would make the dream more dreamy- but uh, that's not the point! The point is that, Theo and he would live in together with Mason and Corey and Liam couldn't wait.

They all had a pack party last weekend. Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia and all the other members joined. It was fun. He was going to miss them. He also will miss beacon hills. His mom. He knew that there was Melissa and others who would look after his mom but he still worried a lot which made Derek decide that he was going to stay in BH and often check up on his mom. It was kinda sweet, really.

Mason and Corey were so in love and Liam sometimes got sick of them making out in front of him when Theo wasn't home!

"I can't believe I'm third whilling you guys." Liam groaned.

Mason burst out laughing, "Woah, Theo just left. You're already missing him?" Corey smiled.

"Honestly, it's crazy how fast time flies. I mean a year ago if I asked you about Theo, you'd probably laugh in my face but now look at you guys being all lovey dovey!" Corey exclaimed. A smile creeped onto Liam's face but he just rolled his eyes.

"Aww look at little.."

"Liam! Did you pack all the things?" His mom said from downstairs.

"Uh mom... Yeah! I mean, I'll do it. Today I swear!" Liam muttered.

"You better. I swear if you start packing things the last moment before you leave-"

"I'm doing it, now." Liam stood up and so did Mason. He always knew Liam would forget something important that's why he always helped Liam with Packings.

Liam took some pictures of him with the pack, Scott Malia and the others. His photos with Mason. Then his photos with Theo. Theo giving him a piggyback and Liam showing the peace sign. And then one mirror phone of them. Then the one Mason secretly took on their make out session. Corey laughed behind him. Liam turned around and saw his friends are happy. What else could he ask for? He knew that beacon hills will never really be fully free from supernatural disasters but.. if this was a movie then this should be the happy ending. Shouldn't it?

Liam will remember everything part of it and be grateful.


Before he knew it was already the weekend and they're going to leave at 10 am.

Jenna sniffed when she gave both Theo and Liam the biggest hug ever.

"I can't believe this is happening right now.. mom you're killing me!" Liam exclaimed as Jenna let out a chuckle.

"It's.. just you both will take care of eachother, promise?"

"Yes, mom I love you." Liam said and looked at Theo who gave him a sweet smile.

Jenna looked at Theo and Theo hugged her. Jenna tightly hugged him back. Liam couldn't help but think that how everything changes so quickly. His mom sees Theo as her own son not just her son's boyfriend. And it makes Liam's heart melt.

After saying all their goodbyes, They started their journey.


It took them 5 hours to get to their new place. Which wasn't very big but looked very comfortable. Mason and Corey was going to be on their next door.

"Finally!" Liam let out a breath of relief. Theo hugged him from behind.

"Yeah, finally." Theo kissed Liam's neck.

"Finally, we're alone. Again, after 10 whole months of living with your parents. I couldn't even go to your room at night!" Theo said. Liam let out a chuckle. He remembered the time when his dad grumbled "No hanky panky under my roof"

"Shut up you love them. More importantly, they love you."

"Can't deny that." Theo turned Liam around so now they were facing eachother. He kissed Liam's forehead. Liam smiled sheepishly.



"I love you." Theo said so tenderly that Liam almost fell on his knees. It's not the first time Theo said it but it still made Liam's heart throb. He really had it bad.

"I love you, too." Liam said breathlessly. Theo put his index finger under Liam's chin and leaned in. Their lips met in the most tender way. Liam never knew Theo could be this soft. It still sometimes surprised him how much he loved this boy.

Right when Theo slid his hand Liam's t-shirt, the door bell ranged. Liam made a disappointing noise and looked at Theo who had an amusing expression.

"Shut up!" Liam said getting embarrassed.

"I didn't even say-"

Liam walked to the door and opened to see his best friend plus his best friend's boyfriend standing there.

"Hey guys uhm what's up..?" Liam cleared his throat. Mason definitely saw hus blushing cheeks with Theo behind him.

"Liam, I swear, if I hear your sex sounds at night I will-" Mason started but was cut off when Corey put a hand on his shoulder.

"No seriously, he doesn't wanna hear his best friend when he's-" Theo burst out laughing.

Liam's cheeks reddened as he coughed.

But this was it. For now. They were happy. This should be the happy ending everyone wants.

This is a new beginning of Liam's life. There's still a lot Liam has to go through but now he has Theo and his friends. He can do it. He can do everything as long as they're with him. With a promise of this he watches his friends making bad jokes and laughing.


OHHHH MY GODDDD FINALLY?? FINALLY FINISHED THIS. I'm so grateful to each and every one of you for supporting me on this journey! I loved writing this story so much and I'm sad it ended :( this was my first book here and I made a lots of mistakes (ik) lmao. Sorry for them but hope guy enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you so much I love you! Hope you're okay and take care of yourself.


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