I Love You

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"IF I EVER GET FUCKING DRUNK!" Theo growled at his phone.

Liam wheezed. "Look at that one. You look cute" Liam pointed at a photo Mason took when Theo was laughing to himself.

"I don't remember anything- WAIT DID YOU DRIVE MY CAR?" Liam laughed at Theo's high pitched voice.

"Yeah and you said some pretty dumb things" Theo's eyes widened.

"What did I say" Theo asked.

"Um.. 'date me'- 'cuddle me' "

"D- did you cuddle me?" Theo's heart lost a beat.

"Um" Liam shallowed. "Would you like it if I cuddled with you?"

"Liam- you're my boyfriend. Of course I'd love to cuddle with my boyfriend." Theo's lips twisted into a smile.

Liam smiled. "Uh I did actually"

"Yeah and.. I don't remember" Theo said sitting closer to Liam.

"But you can show me now" Theo smirked.

"Yeah?" Liam said laying down.

"Yeah" he smiled.

Liam put his arm around Theo's neck as Theo's hands found Liam's hips.

"By the way, you drool" Liam whispered. Theo chuckled.

After a comfortable silence Theo decided to speak.
"Liam?" Theo asked soft.


"Thank you"

Liam tilted his head to look up at Theo's greenish eyes. His heart lights up whenever he looks at those eyes looking at him. It's like he read Theo like a open book. It's a feeling he never felt before.. ever. Theo smiled. A genuine smile that made Liam forget everything in the world. Nothing else mattered. Only them.

"For?" Liam whispered smiling.

"For everything you did for me"

"Theo..." Liam pulled Theo closer leaning up as Theo leaned forward. Their lips met. Liam felt fireworks in his stomach. It was slow and they felt the love. They wanted it. They knew it. They wanted eachother more than anything. Perhaps they loved eachother.

Theo pulled back first. He looked at Liam's ocean blue eyes.

"I think I.." Theo stuttered.

It's like Liam knew exactly what Theo meant. And He felt the same.

"Theo, I love you" Liam said it. He did it. Yes he did.

Theo's heart probably came out of his chest. It was a feeling he never felt before and it was good. For the first time he felt love. He needed love. He doesn't know how he lived 18 years of his life not falling in love. Liam was his first. He wanted to be his last.

"I-... I love you too" Theo smiled as a tear escaped from his eye. Liam grabbed his face and brushed the tear with his thumb.

"Hey, look at me, it's okay. Yeah?" Liam said sitting up as Theo sat up.

"I just- I never.."

"Hey, it's okay. I never felt that way either" Liam grinned.


"Never. It's uh- it's different with you"
Liam said the truth. It was different with Theo. It's true that he dated Hayden and some other people. But he never felt that way for anyone before. It was Theo. Theo was the one.

"Really?" Theo asked touching Liam's chin.

"Yeah, really" Liam smiled. Theo pulled him into a loving kiss.

After a long time, hell his whole freaking life, Theo felt... Better? Like really better. He hasn't felt like that before. It was all new to him. But he felt loved. He loved someone.. who loved him as much as he loves him. Isn't what everyone wants?

Hey I finally updated would u look at that 💀

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