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What is going on between me and Theo? Liam thought to himself before answering. He could just ignore the question but is was Mason after all. His best friend ever. So he couldn't just ignore it. But he also wasn't sure what that question meant.

"Mason I seriously don't know man-" he paused before speakimg again.

"I'm trying to ignore Theo all day but I just can't" Liam said.

"But why are you trying to ignore him dude you literally told him to stay with you" Mason sounded concerned.

"He uh- this morning I felt really strange... I mean like last night he uh we kind of had a sleepover so he slept with me and this morning I felt so nervous-"

"DUDE-" Mason's eyes widened as he smirked.

"Yeah Mason it doesn't mean what you're thinking I mean I totally don't like him I mean he's Theo, right?"
Corey just stood there like he was enjoying the drama. Mason still kept smirking with a knowing look.

"Mason I swear to god-" Liam glared.

"Okay, okay dude first of all I really don't mind that you like Theo and second of all why the hell wouldn't you tell me that you shared a bad with Theo freaking Raeken!?" Mason said.

It kind of surprised Liam that mason wasn't mad or anything. But DID MASON JUST SAY I LIKE THEO?
He thought.

"I don't like him... Maybe it's just a little crush because of all the things he did for me... It doesn't matter anymore" Liam said slowly.

"Sure whatever you say" Mason said like he knows that his 'little crush' won't go away.


The rest of the day went quite well. Liam ignored Theo whenever he saw him. Theo saw him too he also was coming to probably talk to Liam but Liam pretended like he didn't see Theo and walked away.

"Drama queen" Corey said with a smirk on his face. Sure, he was awkward but he also wasn't. Liam frowned. Corey didn't say anything just went to his class.

Liam went to home with mason and Corey. Because he was trying to ignore Theo.

When he got home he saw that Theo was already home. Probably showering. He went upstairs to his room. He didn't even where Theo was. He quickly grabbed a towel and went for a shower.


When he stepped out of the bathroom. He saw his phone ringing. It was Hayden. He didn't really want to talk to Hayden. So instead he texted her that he was busy he'd call her later.
By the time someone was knocking on his bedroom's door. It was Theo of course. Now how can he ignore Theo?

"Liam, can I come in?" Theo asked.

"Y-yeah just wait-" he put on a sweatpant and a t-shirt. "You can come now" Liam said nervously.

Theo came. "Um Liam?" He said more like a question.


"Are you trying to ignore me? Did I do something wrong?" Theo asked.

"Wh- woah no- you definitely didn't do something Theo I just-" he couldn't lie because he was trying to ignore him.

"It's just me I uh think that it's just me. Can we please not talk about that?" Liam begged.

"Okay. Sure Liam but since we're friends you know you can talk to me about anything like literally anything. But I was hoping that maybe if you're free now we can do some. Like play games or watch movies?" Liam was surprised. He never thought that Theo wouldn't force him to know what's going on. He was friendly. Vulnerable. Beautiful. Wait what? Beautiful? Nope nope stop it Liam stop daydreaming!

They were watching the maze runner. Every single time Liam saw the main character Thomas he always thought of how similar he and Stiles look like.

"So who's your favourite character" Liam asked.

"Umm I think newt" Theo said. "What about you"

"Uhm I don't have a favourite character I guess but Minho looks good"

They continued watching the first movie then Theo fell asleep in like 40 minutes. He looked so peaceful.. Liam wanted to cuddle with him- ... nope.

They were on the couch so he had to wake Theo up so he could go to his bed.

"Theo" "Theoo" "THEO" Theo woke up startled.

"Hey hey I'm sorry!" Liam apologized.

Next thing he knew was that Theo put his hand on Liam's chest where his heart was pounding like hell.

"Where's my sister" Theo said gasping for air.

A/N : helllo I'm sorry for not not updating I'll update soon next time hope you enjoyed! Byee 💖

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