Happy Family

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Liam opened his eyes and closed them again because of the light. It was morning. Wait- he was in his bed but Theo was spooning him. Then he remembered about last night and smiled. Theo was sound asleep. Liam tilted his head up a bit to see Theo's face, his face looked so innocent even after last night's incident. He smiled and brushed some of Theo's hair from his face.

Theo stirred in his sleep. Opened one eye to look at Liam.

"Morning sunshine." Theo said softly touching Liam's chin.

"Morning Theo." Liam kissed Theo's hand.

"Um about last night.." Liam started already blushing violently.

"It was perfect." Theo said softly brushing Liam's hair away to get a better look.

"Yeah, it really was." Liam said smiling. Then Liam remembered which day this was. "Oh my god. Theo oh my.." Theo frowned.

"I almost forgot that mom and dad are supposed to come back today.." Liam's eyes widened when he heard a car horn. "FUCK" he stood up and started struggling while wearing his clothes.


"Theo I'm going downstairs just- uh get dressed and please come downstairs when you're done." Liam said closing the door behind him. Theo huffed.

"Well, that was overwhelming." He muttered under his breath.


"Liam, honey you here?" Jenna shouted and Liam ran downstairs like a mess.

"Mom!" His mom pulled him in a embrace.

"Oh dear, what were you doing? You look like a total mess." His mom laughed. Liam definitely wasn't going to say that he was- whatever he was doing with Theo!

"I was just uh sleeping"

Then they both heard something falling upstairs. Liam cursed under his breath. "Is someone upstairs? Is that a thief!" Jenna said widening her eyes.

"No- no mom it's just uh Theo." Liam said blushing violently. His mom's jaw almost dropped on the floor.

"Theo? You mean the boy you always talked about... And the boy who started living here.. the boy who.." his mom trailed off. "Yes, yes mom."

"But what is he doing in your room? I thought we had a guest room!" His mom asked sitting on the couch.

"Um he- he uh.. well he...." Liam was a dead meat. What was he supposed to say now? He's a bad liar.

"I was just finding one of my notes Liam borrowed from me." Theo said as he came downstairs. Jenna's eyes shot up and looked at Theo.

"Good morning, Mrs Dunbar. I'm Theo. Nice to meet you." Theo introduced himself.

"Oh no, call me Jenna. Nice to finally meet you Theo. Oh.. you're gorgeous. No wonder why Liam always-" Liam cleared his throat and Jenna laughed.

"Theo, I hope my son treated you well. I know I wasn't here but Liam told me about what happened.. and you're always welcome here." Jenna smiled. Theo felt like it was his own family. "Thanks Mrs Dun- Jenna" Jenna smiled.

"Liam, your dad is coming home later. He needs to be in the hospital. So I'll see you guys later. Oh god Liam you can't even take care of these..." Jenna trailed off. Liam laughed.

"I like your mom." Theo smiled.

They had breakfast together and Jenna was making it obvious that Liam talked about Theo more than he thought.

"So... Are you two a thing now?" Jenna asked when she found her son alone.

"Mom!" Liam pouted. Jenna chuckled.

"I just... Yes, we're uh.. dating." Liam murmured, blushing a little.

"Ah! Finally!" Jenna hugged him.

"Mom..? You're okay with that?" Liam looked up at her.

"Of course, Liam. I'm happy as long as you are happy. You seem a lot happier now. Theo must be very important to you." Janna reassured him.

"Yeah, yeah he is." He smiled.

Theo came downstairs. They it was a weekend so they didn't have school. But both of them promised that Liam would study really well from now. So they both went upstairs to study together.

Jenna was still surprised with all the supernatural things. She just smiled and went to her room.


Jenna decided that they were all together in a weekend. It's time to have dinner together. She cooked and Liam's dad returned from work.

"God, I'm exhausted.. being a doctor.." he signed. Jenna smiled and asked Liam and Theo to come downstairs for dinner.

Liam and Theo came downstairs and met his dad. Theo and his dad got along so well because of course. They're both in love with biology. Liam chuckled at how Theo's eyes lit up when he ranted about biology.

His mom was right. He was happy. He was really happy. But then again, his mind raced. What if Theo and he has to do long distance relationship. He knew Theo wouldn't want him to worry about these but he couldn't help it.

"Right, Liam?" His step dad asked.

"Uh huh?"

"Ah! He spaced out again." Jenna murmured. Liam pouted looking at her.

"I said do you guys turn into wolves..?" Liam and Theo snorted.

"No, I mean Theo does but not all of us can. I can't do that." Liam said laughing.

"Sorry we're still really confused about these supernatural things..." Jenna said looking a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Jenna we'll show you later." Theo smirked at Liam and he rolled his eyes.

Hello guys I swear I'm trying to update all my unfinished books! Hope u enjoyed this chapter.

No, it's not the last chapter. Actually I haven't written for a long time. I'm still thinking about how I should write the ending. So be patient with me<3

Anyway how are u guys doing? Missed you so much. Hope you're okay. Take care of yourself!!

Vote and comment your thoughts. (Ik this chap was boring but enjoy ig 💀🤚🏼)

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