Only You

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*Slight smut warning ig 🤠*


Liam signed. Theo just laughed and took the two t-shirts from Liam's hands.

"Wait- I was gonna choose only one." Liam said.

"But you like both of them. So we're buying both." Theo said and started walking along with Liam. Liam smiled.

"Okay and we need more hoodies for you- and... Some t-shirts... Jeans.. some sweatpants.. okay uhh let's go." Liam said slowly and Theo just nodded and tried to hide his smile.

Yes, they were shopping. Theo had like five outfits and they sucked. Liam had to take care of his boyfriend so yup, here they were.


They bought all the things they needed and they were heading back to Liam's place. They heard a thunder.

"It's think it's gonna rain" Liam said looking up at the sky. Theo nodded and got the car keys.

"Are you afraid of getting wet?" Theo asked smirking. Liam just looked at him an blushed.

"No, uh I'm just.. I don't want the new clothes to get wet." He smiled.

They finally drove back to their home and it already started raining. So Theo took the bags in his left hand and he took Liam's hand in his before running into the house.

Well, they still got a little bit wet. Liam laughed and panted at the same time. Then he looked at how hot Theo looked with wet hair... he just really wanted to kiss Theo right now. So he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Theo's. Theo kissed back immediately.

Liam remembered, Mason once said that... How do you know when you want to have se- make love with your boyfriend.

'you're there and he's there. You just look at him and you know it. You just know that you want him. That you want to be called 'his only one'

Liam pulled away first to look at Theo who's eyes opened and looked right into his. Theo gently stroked his hair with a small smile.

But what if Theo doesn't want it? Theo never did it before and... Maybe Theo doesn't want Liam?

Liam frowned at his own thoughts. Then he again looked at Theo who held his face.

"What's it little beta?" Theo asked, more concerned than ever. Liam's mind panicked. He didn't know what to say.. what if Theo panicked.

"I... I- uh" Liam murmured. His fingers started trembling. Theo gently took his hands in his.

"Shh it's okay" Theo held him like that before asking again.

"It's okay, yeah? We don't have to hide anything from eachother" he said gently rubbing Liam's back. That's when Liam understood that no matter what happens, Theo is the only person who'd understand him more than anyone else.

"Theo.. I- I want you" Liam stuttered. Then he looked at Theo who's heart lost a beat. Theo shallowed before Liam saw Theo's lips pulling into a beautiful smile.

"You- you don't know how long I've waited for you to actually be ready." Theo said softly. Liam smiled, relived that Theo didn't freak out.

On the other hand, Theo couldn't believe that Liam just said that. It was gonna be his first time. He wouldn't admit how fucking nervous he was. But all he wanted right that moment was to make Liam his.

"Okay" Theo said as he gently took Liam's hands in his and guided him to go upstairs.


Liam's breath became heavier as Theo started kissing down his neck. Theo looked up at the beta who looked so beautiful in that way. Theo stopped kissing and cupped Liam's face.

"If I do something wrong.. you tell me okay?" Theo asked. Liam smiled at how much Theo cared about him. He loved him. More than anything. He really wanted to find out what it felt like to belong to someone who he really loves. In a way, it was first time to him too.

"Yeah. I promise I will" Theo's smile turned into a smirk as he gently pushed Liam back against the bed. Liam softly bounced against the mattress, eyes on Theo who took his hoodie off. He grinned down at Liam before following Liam on the bed, pressing his lips against Liam's.


"FUCK THEO" Liam threw his head back, eyes flashing yellow, claws digging into Theo's shoulders. Then he started to steady his heart rate and looked at Theo who wolfishly grinned at him, pressing a quick kiss on his lips.

"You're so fucking beautiful...Uhh" Theo moaned, making Liam gasp. Theo collapsed on Liam's bare chest, breathing heavily.

"Well that didn't go too well now, did it?" Theo murmured. Which made Liam giggle. Theo smiled before leaning his head up to kiss his little beta who he can call him 'his boy' now.

Idek how I feel about this now... But anyways, feeding you all with smut. Now feed.

LMFAO I'm so bad at writing smuts❤️ but anyways hope you are okay<3

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