Like What You See?

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A/N : Cody is so cute! I love him sm <33

Theo was driving both of them to Liam's house. Liam almost fell asleep but Theo spoke,

"Why did you hug me?"

Liam didn't know what to say because he didn't know why he did that.

"Uh I don't know maybe I wanted to.."

His heart lost a bit while answering. He hoped Theo didn't notice that.
Theo didn't say a word he kept driving . Eyes on the road.
After a few minutes Mason texted Liam


Where the hell are u?

Corey and I are worried?!????
We searched you everywhere. Where the hell did you disappear to?

Hey Mason, I'm okay I'm with a friend. we're okay!
Please don't search for me. go home and be safe!

"We're here" Theo said.

"Okay, let's grab your stuff."

Both of them agreed and they opened the door then entered the house. It was dark no one was home. Theo wondered why.

"Where are your parents? Liam?"

"Oh, they're on a vacation for 2 months. They really worked hard this year. They needed it." Theo hummed in response.

"Take a shower then we'll order pizza." Liam offered.

While Theo showred Liam thought about them hugging earlier.. he blushed. Why. Why did I do that. Was that okay? Did Theo not like it? Why would he? Am I going crazy..


He saw a very wet Theo standing in front of him a towel on his waist. He was nervous he couldn't feel is legs.

"H-Hey you need something?"

His eyes widened as looked at the older boy's muscles. Wow... Wait what no Liam stop it.

"Oh my clothes were dirty so I needed some clothes from you if you don't mind.."

"YEAH- yeah of- of course ju-just wait here!" Liam said running into his room. He grabbed some pajamas and then he threw them at Theo's body..

"Careful there." Theo chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry." Liam said. He was nervous. His eyes widened as Theo started changing in front of him.

"Are you gonna stand there and watch me change?" Theo smirked.

"Hate you Theo!"

He heard Theo laughing as the he left the room.


He was in his room doing homeworks. He heard a knock on the door. His door was open since it was just Theo and him. He turned around to see who it was. It was Theo.

"Come in." Liam said and Theo entered his room.

A/N : BAHAH let's see what happens next!
Please let me know if I make any mistakes!!!!

My Boy : THIAM Where stories live. Discover now