The Answer

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Theo and Liam were both excited and worried about them going to colleges. They still couldn't believe that they graduated. After everything happened in the last 2 years in beacon hills, Everything. Theo thought he was the luckiest person ever because he was with Liam. If it wasn't for Liam, maybe he wouldn't even have graduated in the first place.

For Liam, he was still worried about it. What if they don't get into same colleges? Or at least not on the same state? What if they have to live far away from eachother?

"Still worried about it?" Theo whispered. Liam looked up at Theo and then buried his face in Theo's chest. Theo held him tighter.

"I love you" Theo kissed Liam's forehead. They layed down on Liam's bed the whole evening like this.

Tomorrow's gonna be the day they get all their answers...


Liam's eyes flickered open. The first thing he saw was the sunlight then someone's chest that he's laying on.

"Good morning, Little beta" Theo said in a raspy voice. Theo's eyes weren't as sleepy as Liam's.

"Were you watching me sleep the whole time?" Liam asked while Theo brushed his hair away from his eyes.

"Um... Just for half an hour, yeah." Theo chuckled.

"That's creepy!" Liam laughed.

"Nope, It's romantic!" Theo kissed down Liam's neck. Liam laughed.

"It's no.. not.. Theo stop it. It's ticklish." Liam blushed.

"Can't stop it. You're just too cute in the morning. With your messy hair.. you just look so beautiful." Theo smiled. Liam smiled back. Theo learned in for a kiss but.. 

"BOYS.. Time for breakfast." Jenna screamed from downstairs and startled both of them.

"Ugh mom.. coming!"


"You know it's the day.." Theo said looking a bit nervous. Liam looked up, taking a bite of bacon.

"Um yeah, so uh well I-"

"Don't worry about it. It's gonna be okay." Theo assured him with a small smile. Jenna comes back from the kitchen and pat's Theo's head. Theo found it so humble. It was like he was part of the family. He even remembered the day he graduated and Jenna and Liam's dad hugged him because he got so emotional. Even Scott and Stiles came around to see them. They congratulated them and Scott hugged him. He's never going to forget these memories.

Since 9 , he doesn't remember smiling. He only remembers pain and trauma and death.. wanting power.. he still has those nightmares. But the people around him now keeping him safe and helping him change himself for the better. He can't thank enough everyone who helped him become a better person. Especially Liam.

He doesn't think he can live without Liam. He's still scared his life will become a nightmare without him.

"Theo?" Liam said softly, making Theo startled. Theo brushed it off with a nervous smile.


"You ready for this?" He asked. Theo took a deep breath before nodding.

"Yup, let's go."

They got all the letters from the colleges they sent applications to.

Now it's time to open.

Don't freak out Liam, don't freak out.

Liam kept telling himself to calm down. He knew Theo could sense his anxiety too. But he just couldn't do this.

"Hey" Theo put a hand on Liam's shoulder. Liam just nodded.

They opened the first one,

It didn't match. And Theo got into one bit Liam didn't...

They kept opening the letters and Liam was disappointed with every one of them. Even though he got into two colleges but they didn't match with Theo's. Which made him really sad.

They looked at eachother before opening the last one. Liam was sure he'd be disappointed. Because if you expect disappointment and you'll never get disappointed right?

Theo opened his later first, then Liam opened his. Theo frowned and looked at Liam.

"Wait, isn't this the one you got into?" Theo said and Liam looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah... YEAH!" Liam almost screamed. Theo laughed.

"See? That wasn't so hard. I told you I wouldn't leave you." Theo said as they hugged eachother. Liam laughed and hugged him tighter.

"Ow! Liam, you're killing me" Theo laughed and fall back on his back. Liam also layed on his back facing the celling.

"I'm so happy right now." Liam said aloud. Theo giggled.


"Should we go to Mason's then?" Liam asked softly.

"Yeah, we could do that."


How are you guys? Hope you're okay and take care of yourself<3

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