Your Heart

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"So let's go" Theo said smiling.

"Yeah, I'll be ready in a minute" Liam was ready. Theo opened the truck for him. He also put the belt. It was weird. But Liam liked it. He smiled to himself. But then he was upset again. He didn't want to dream again. It hurt him like a bitch.

The car drive was silence. Not awkward silence but comfortable silence. "Where are we going then?" Liam finally asked breaking the silence.

"Guess you'll have to wait." Theo smirked. "Uh alright." then they were in front of the forest. Great. Are they gonna catch hunters now? Or the Hunters will catch them? It was weird but like he thought earlier, he liked it.

Theo again opened the door for Liam. He parked the car.

"You- are we gonna catch hunters-?"

"No Liam, let's just walk around.. it's peaceful here. No one is here. Which is good because I want to clear my head" Theo replied. He was so thoughtful.

"Okay yeah. That's definitely a good idea" Liam laughed. "Stop laughing little beta" Theo said brushing his thumb on Liam's nose. Liam blushed like.... His cheeks were burning. Then he turned around to hide it.

"Let's go kill some hunters." Theo said walking into the woods. Liam followed behind him. "Excuse me! Who reminded me to not kill Gabe, that we can't kill people?"

"Because I didn't want you to feel, what I feel, Liam. You don't know how it feels. Guilty. You're innocent. I just can't see you regreting something that you didn't mean to happen." Liam's heart skipped a bit.

"Thanks." Liam said.

Then they were talking about random stuff. It felt like it was going to rain. Liam wanted to go home but Theo said it's okay. He didn't want to go home. So Liam had to just walk. It was nice. "Do you like it here?" Theo asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's nice here, it's so much better than my room." Liam laughed. Theo laughed along with him.

"Me too." Theo said after some time.

"I used to some here with... Tara. We used to play hide and seek. It was nice back then. When I was in forth grade, it was different. I felt like a normal boy. But now I feel... I don't feel like human anymore. Scott was right. I don't deserve to be called human." Theo said. Liam stopped walking and turned his gaze to Theo. A tear escaped from Theo's eyes. Liam hated seeing Theo like this.

"Hey, you see this, you're crying. It means you feel things. It means you're still human." He put his hand on Theo's chest. "You hear this? It's your heart that's beating. It means you're still the normal boy. You just made some mistakes. The dread doctors manipulated you. It's not your fault Theo. Don't say that." Liam hugged him. Then he pulled away to wipe Theo's tear. "What if Kira comes back and sends me back there-" Theo sobbed. "Hey, I won't let that happen. You're my responsibility, remember? I brought you back... I trusted you enough to break the sword. No one will send you there. I won't let them. I broke it.... If you want me I can hide it in a secret place where no one can find it and send Theodore away." Liam cupped Theo's cheek. Theo chuckled. Both of them started laughing and then they walked again. Arguing about random stuff.

They were walking now. "C'mon Theo, I can walk faster than you!" Liam said walking faster. Then Theo walked faster and grabbed Liam's wrist. Then they looked into each other's eyes. Theo shallowed. He was doing this again. It makes Liam so nervous. He hates being nervous all the time.
"What are you-" Theo cupped Liam's chin with his bare hand and leaned in. Liam's heart beat faster and faster. He felt like he's heart was going to explode. Then it happened. Liam's eyes widened as Theo's lip moved in sync against his lips. Theo's lips were soft and parted. Liam could feel the soft tickle of Theo's breath. Warmth blossomed in Liam's chest, Sparks igniting as he leaned closer, lips brushing together in sync. He grabbed Theo's neck and pulled him as close as he can. They kept kissing until their heads were spinning from the lack of oxygen. Theo was the first one to pull away. Liam's cheeks were burning red as he saw Theo's swollen lips. But their faces were still inches apart.

Then the reality hit Liam. He backed away from Theo. "I- I'm sorry-" Theo said looking nervous.

Liam didn't waste any time. He leaned forward and kissed Theo again. It was rushed but still beautiful. "I'm sorry too," he said smiling. Theo was shocked but then he smiled.

Theo pulled him into a kiss. It was magical. The more they kissed, the hungrier they got.

Then Liam's phone started ringing. It startled both of them. Liam didn't want to stop kissing. But he had to eventually...

It was Scott. Oh well, Liam remembered that he completely forgot to call Scott.

"Hey Scott!" Liam tried to calm his heartbeat down. Because it's beating crazy in his chest.

"Hey Liam! Are you okay- you didn't call so I thought that you're in danger. Where are you now?" Lots of questions..

"I'm- I'm in the preserve with Theo."
I seriously didn't have to say that.

"What are you two doing in the woods- oh okay- I'm not gonna ask. I do not want to know... But just go home and continue whatever you're doing." Scott was really a witch. How the hell did he understand that? Ugh.

Liam laughed "Okay."

"Nice choice Scott." Theo said laughing.

"Bye guys stay safe."

"See you later" the call ended.

"Soo......" Theo started. Liam just stared at Theo and blushed even more.

"I- you don't know how much I wanted to do that." Theo said, smiling. 

"Let's go home it will start raining soon." Liam couldn't help but blush.

A/N : YUPPPPP THEY DID IT. YES YES YES. guys I miss teen wolf so much 😩 let's see what happens next!

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