Pack Party!

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Pack meeting. There will be a pack meeting because Liam and Scott talked about Theo and him dating and now Liam is going to tell everyone in the pack although they probably already know..

"So you guys probably know why we're having a pack meeting right? But I'm still going to tell you why. It's about Liam... And Theo" Scott was concerned about every member's opinion because they aren't just a pack. They're best friends. They're a family. Scott cared about every single pack member.

Now Liam was nervous. Even though Lydia already told him not to freak out. But it was too late when she said that.

"Uhh um-" Liam shallowed as he saw Malia growling. Scott kissed her on the cheek and she smiled. They were cute together.

"So did you guys have like.. sex or something?" Isaac said. So by the way. Isaac came back to beacon hills. Because he needed his Pack's help.
Everyone looked at him frowning. "Just an observation" he chuckled.

"THEO AND I ARE DATING" Liam yelled. Stupid fucking mouth.

Stiles clapped but he totally wasn't happy. Liam or Theo neither of them expected him to happy. Malia growled. Lydia smiled and hugged both Liam and Theo like she was happy. Mason and Corey started jumping around the room. Nolan was quite but happy. Derek was Derek. Melissa and Argent smiled as well.

Well, it didn't go too bad?

"If you hurt him. I'll end you" Malia growled at Theo.

"I don't wanna hurt him. You idiot, he's my boyfriend" Theo smirked.

Malia growled again before Scott took her upstairs to calm her down.

"Yeah I don't believe him. But I feel like Theo is Theo now" Theo looked at Stiles. Surprised.

"I mean the Theo from forth grade" Stiles winked at Theo.

Theo was surprised and kinda happy? About the pack members being so nice with him after everything he's done? He didn't even notice when his eyes filled with tears.

"Come on Theo" Lydia walked closer to Theo and hugged him tightly. Liam joined from Theo's back.

Stiles and Isaac joined them as well. Then Mason and Corey. Scott and Malia came downstairs. Scott joined the hug as well.

"We're a pack. We're a family. We're all in this together" Scott was always the calm one. Who said all these comforting words that made Theo respect him more and more.

"Wait, I'm part of the pack?" Theo asked. Scott smiled.

"Maybe" by that Scott meant yes. Theo knew. He smiled as they all started talking about their normal lives. Everyone liked Isaac.


"I thought werewolves can't get drunk" Isaac said dumbly.

"They can"

"But, I'll tell you if Malia promises not to send me death threats" Theo finished his line.

"Really- tell me how" Theo looks at her disbelief.

"Okay I promise" Malia rolled her eyes.

"You mix some wolfsbane with it. But not too much or you'll die."

"You're not trying to kill us all. Are you?" Corey laughs.


Just like that they got drunk.

Fun fact: Liam didn't get drunk. Theo's the one who's smiling at nothing and mumbling stuff.

"Liam" Theo groans touching Liam's cheek.

"Yeah?" Liam said starting the car.

"Date me" Theo smiles closing his eyes.

"We're already dating you asshole"

"Kiss me"

"When we get home Mr drunk" Liam's eyes on the road as he's driving.

Then he reaches their home. Theo kinda needed help so Liam had help him get upstairs as he started kissing Liam. Which totally turned Liam on but Theo was drunk.

"Let's get you to bed" Liam said but Theo wrapped his arms around Liam's waist.

"No. Sleeeep o- with m- me"

"Cuddle m-me" now can anyone say that Theo's a murderous sociopath?
He's a damn dork on the inside. Especially when he's drunk.

Liam chuckled. "Okay let's cuddle Theodork" Theo smiled sleepily.

Then they changed and went to bed together. Theo will probably freak out in the morning so it's better if Liam goes to Theo's room.

A/N : hello luvs, I'm so excited for the teen wolf movie! Hope we finally get thiam back bc we deserve it! We waited so long. Even gave up but here we are now :)

Sorry for not updating for a long time :(

I hope you're doing well!

Anyways manifesting thiam rain kiss 😘

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