Lover Boy

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"S- see you later" Liam said standing up and ran downstairs to see Mason and Corey leaving.

"Dude what the hell? What do you mean by boyfriend- we- we're not dating" he said to Mason.

"Whatever Liam, you could've thanked us for saving your boyfriend. He couldn't sleep in his room. So he slept on your bed. Boyfriend material." Mason said laughing.

"Okay... Thank you guys. Bye" Liam said blushing. He never blushed like this when he dated Hayden through.

Then he came back to his room seeing Theo standing up slowly and probably going to his own room.

"Hey woah- woah where are you going?" Liam asked grabbing Theo's wrist.

"Going to my room." Theo sounded upset for some reason. Liam didn't know why.

"Theo, Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" he went to his room leaving Liam dumbfounded.

After some time Liam went to check on Theo. If he was okay. Then he saw Theo laying on his bed. Reading a book. Theo liked reading. He read when he was free. Liam found it really cute though. "You didn't knock" he said without looking at Liam. Well shit. "Yeahh- right I forgot actually" Theo was still upset. Liam could feel his chemo signals. Theo wasn't hiding it anymore like he always did.

"Why are you upset?" Liam finally asked.

"Does that matter?" Theo snorted.

"Wh- it does Theo, why do you think it doesn't? It always does. It matters. I can't see you sad. You're not talking to me. What did I do? I am so worried about you-" shit he said it all. Theo's probably just gonna laugh at Liam now.

"Really?" Theo said with a soft voice and his eyes... They were beautiful when he was a softie. "Me too" he looked away to break eye contact with Liam.

"Oh" Liam blushed. He felt butterflies again. He hated it. Why does that happen in his stomach. Annoying.

"How's your arm? Did it properly heal? Let me see it" Liam said walking towards the bed and sitting down to see Theo's arm. Theo let him see it. It healed. "Does it hurt?" Liam said touching the spot where the bullet went.

"No" Theo said looking away. Because he didn't want to kiss Liam. He did. But it can ruin their beautiful friendship. Liam stood and told Theo that he had some homeworks and went to his room. Then he saw his homeworks. Why do people even do them. Homeworks suck. They're so boring.

Theo knocked on the door.

Liam opened it.

"Do you need my help?" Theo asked.

Liam didn't know what that was about. "What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"With your homeworks.."

"Oh yeah- totally" Theo sat beside Liam on a chair.

Liam read his history paper. He thought that Theo probably knows better so if he made any mistakes Theo would help him. But Theo was just looking at him smiling like an idiot. "What? lover boy" Liam said laughing.

Theo then stopped smiling. "What? Lover boy? Why'd you call me that" He asked frowning.

"Because you look like you're now thinking about someone that makes you smile like that. You like someone!" Liam's heart broke saying this. But it's true. Theo won't fall for him? Would he?

"Yeah I guess. I really like him" he. He just said 'him'.

"Him?" So it's a boy then. Not that he minds he just feel like ripping his heart out of his chest and feed it to the cranks he saw on maze runner. "I uh- just need to use the bathroom" Liam said.

He locked himself on the bathroom. He sat against the bathroom door and felt like crying but he couldn't because he'll have to tell Theo why he was crying and he can't lie to him. So he got up and took a deep breath. Like his step father told him. Washed his face and hands then again took a deep breath to calm himself down. He was still upset. He couldn't help it. He stepped out of the bathroom.

"Hey you okay?" Theo asked coming closer to him.

"Yeah I'm fine" Liam said without making eye any contact. "I think you've helped enough. I can do the other ones myself"

Theo frowned. "Okay then, I should probably go"

"Yeah" Liam said.


Liam has done all his homeworks. Now he has to go see Theo again. He's so nervous. He can't do this anymore. His feelings doesn't matter. Theo probably likes someone else. He has to forget Theo. They better be just friends from now. It's hard. How's that possible. But he's kind of relieved that he didn't tell Theo about his feelings before leaving with Scott. It would break his heart. Now he doesn't wanna Break his heart. The only thing matters is Theo's happiness. He wants Theo happy. If the person Theo likes makes him happy then Liam would be happy too.

He went to Theo's room. Knocked on the door this time.

"Come in" Theo said in a soft voice. This voice. He loved Theo's voice. It calmed him down.

"Hey uh sorry about earlier... Back there.. you know- I was just a little bit upset. I don't know why I guess. But I shouldn't have talked like that" he said.

"It's fine" Theo said standing up from his bed. He walked towards the beta. Liam just stood there. His heart beating rapidly. He couldn't hide it. He wanted to back off but he just couldn't  his legs felt numb. He couldn't move. He was too nervous.

"Can we hang out?" Theo asked biting his lip.

"YEAH- sure- totally. We should totally hang out a bit" Liam spat nervously.

"Then let's go" Theo smirked.

They went into the woods. That's.... Great. Hanging out with Theo was weird. WELL, Thank god they didn't go into the tunnels. They were walking. Then Theo suddenly grabbed Liam's wrist and looked at Liam. Liam's eyes widened as Theo cupped his chin like in the morning. Looked at his lips again. Breathing heavily.


My Boy : THIAM Where stories live. Discover now