Guy Stuff

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Liam woke up in the morning. But he felt like sleeping all day so he didn't have to talk to Theo about the other night. But he had to. Because he almost shoved Theo out of his way when the boy only wanted to hug him. It was rude. He shouldn't have done that. He's just scared of his feelings for Theo. It just- wait what? I don't have feelings for him..? Do I? I need to talk to Mason. RIGHT NOW.

He called Mason. But he didn't pick up. He just realized his feelings. It sucks. Why do people have feelings. It's the problem. The problem is Theo and his pack. First of all, the pack will never ever approve their relationship. He's a dead meat. And second of all, Theo. He doesn't even like him back. it's not possible right? He doesn't even have feelings. He'd probably laugh at Liam's face and reject him right away.

He then went to shower. It will calm him down a bit.

Theo woke up too. He's still confused about the thing about last night. Liam told him that they were friends.. then why couldn't he hug him. Anyways he got up and brushed his teeth. Then he stepped out of his room seeing Liam already making breakfast. Bacon and eggs. He just stared at the blue eyed beta. He couldn't stop about how beautiful his eyes are. And his lips. He glanced at his lips like he did in elevator. He didn't know why. He just liked them.

The looked away when Liam caught him staring at his lips. He got embarrassed.

"Um.. hey breakfast's ready you better eat and leave early today I have some important stuff with Mason." Liam shouted from the kitchen.

"Some stuff ?" Theo asked. Curious.

"Um guy stuff, y'know"

Theo frowned.

They left for school. The car ride was silent. None of them really talked the whole day.

But when Liam met Mason.

"HEY MASON!! WE NEED TO TALK LETS GO SOMEWHERE ELSE." since Theo was with him he needed to  somewhere else or he'd hear everything.

And then this Corey and Theo was left alone. They were awkward at first. But then they started talking. Theo talked about Liam all the time. Like how stupid he was and stuff. Corey just listened. "Okay okay, good luck with your future boyfriend Theo!"  He patted Theo's shoulder and went to class.
'Future boyfriend' the word hit Theo like a truck. His heart skipped a bit.

"Mason l-... Uh I uh..." Liam didn't know what to say.

"You like Theo right? I knew it" Mason said laughing.

"You knew? Why didn't you just tell me then" Liam asked.

"Are you for real. Dude, it's your feelings not mine... You're supposed to know if you like someone."

"Okay first I'm fucked up and second I'm a dead meat. Help me mason I don't know what to do"

"Okay okay just calm down li. It's okay just tell me what happened" Mason asked.

"Um so this morning I realized that I like him and I don't even know if he feels the same... Dude I mean he's no one else, he's Theo. What the hell am I supposed to do about my feelings.. and I don't wanna get rejected. And now about the pack... If they know about this, I'm dead" Liam said is all together without breathing he started painting after that just like Stiles.

"Let me tell you what, he likes you too... And 'bout the pack. Look, you trust Theo and the whole trusts you which means your choice matters. They still don't like him but it doesn't mean that you can't date the person you lov- Like I mean. They won't mind. I mean they will, at first but it will take time. it's gonna be alright man but I think you should tell Scott."

"You think he likes me? That's impossible. I don't care about the pack actually.. I care about him- I uh.. want him to like me back. But I'm pretty sure he likes someone. else I don't know."
Mason patted on his shoulder.

Liam didn't talk to Theo all day. Again. He's doing this again. He can't anymore. So he just got up from his bed. And knocked Theo's door.

Theo opened the door immediately. Like he was waiting for Liam to knock the door.

"H-hey" he breathed out.

'Um- Theo I think I wanna tell you something..." He said. His heart beating faster than ever. Weird thing is that Theo's heart was also as fast as him.

"What is it?" Theo asked desperately.

"I...I uh" he stuttered. "I think" he stuttered again. Stupid mouth. Speak up. Tell the truth. Shit. What the hell is he supposed to say. Can't with this stupid mouth anymore.

Meanwhile Theo glanced at Liam's lips like he did in the morning. He couldn't look away. He wanted to kiss the beta. So bad. He couldn't control himself anymore. So he just leaned in. But Liam's phone started ringing and Theo stopped breathing heavily.

Shit. This shit always happens.

It was Scott.

"H- hey Scott what's up" his heart still pounding in his chest.

"Hey liam. We found Monroe. She's here. She's trying to kill us all. We need to stop her. We need you here." Scott said in a worried tone. Theo heard it too. His eyes widened as he heard about Monroe.

"And also there are hunters in beacon hills. You're coming with us to find Monroe and trap her and Mason, Corey, I heard you let Theo live with you? Well It's actually great, he can look after beacon hills. And also Peter. Be ready tomorrow we're gonna pick you up at 8 pm. Be ready okay?"

"O-okay I'll be ready"

Liam was not ready. He was not ready to fight with Monroe like that. Without Theo. It felt strange. He felt safe around Theo. He didn't like the plan on leaving Theo alone here. What if he got hurt? What if he died?

A/N : 1000 wordsssss yes!! Hi guys I'm back. I'm sorry for not updating I'm busy with my fan account. Dw I'll update more often. Byee

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