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Liam froze when Theo put his hand on Liam's chest.

"Where's my sister?" Theo asked. Gasping for air. Like he was dying.

"Theo w- what happened? Your sister's dead! Remember?" Theo nodded calming down a little bit. His hand's still on Liam's chest.

Liam then noticed and stared down at his chest. When Theo noticed their position he jumped away from Liam.
"I- sorry. Can I just go to sleep?" Theo asked.

"Y- yeah sure. Me too. I guess I'll just go to my bed" Liam said. He turned the TV off when Theo was running upstairs. He looked so scared and freaked out. Did he have a nightmare? Did it involve his sister? Liam didn't know much about Theo's sister. All the knew was he watched his sister die and didn't do anything and then the dread doctors took her heart to replace it with Theo's.

He went to bed. But he couldn't sleep. He could also hear Theo's heartbeat. it wasn't calm. He was scared. But why was he scared? Liam never saw Theo like this before. So he just thought about asking Theo in the morning.

After some minutes, He heard Theo's door open. He listened carefully. Theo went to the bathroom since the guest room didn't have a bathroom with it.
He probably washed his face. He was anxious. Liam could smell it. Then when he stepped out of the bathroom, he ran into his room. He was sad now, guilty. Liam got up and thought about asking Theo what's up. Then he heard Theo crying. The smell of tears.

He opened his door and ran into Theo's room opening the door without even knocking. Theo was is his bed hugging his knees.

"What happened Theo?" Liam asked panting. Because he ran too fast. Maybe faster then the light.

Theo stopped crying like he wanted to hide his tears bit he couldn't. Liam walked closer to Theo's bed and say beside Theo. "Hey, hey look at me Theo! You know you can tell me anything just like you told me to tell you anything" Liam tried to touch Theo but he was afraid Theo would move away from him again. The next thing he knew that Theo hugged him. Crying in his shoulder. He felt so bad that he wanted to kill anyone that made Theo sad. He could kill that nightmare if it made Theo cry.

"It's okay" he said hugging Theo tightly.

After some time, Theo calmed down and stopped crying. Then he moved away.

"I'm sorry" Theo said. His voice cracked.

"Noo Theo why are you sorry? You didn't do anything!"

"I shouldn't be like this. I'm not allowed to have any kind of feelings... I shouldn't cry or feel happy. I don't deserve anything good and it's all my fault. It's my fault that Tara died that day. Maybe there was a way to save her but I didn't. It's my fault I'm so hated. It's all my fault Liam!" He started crying again which made Liam so angry because he couldn't let Theo be sad.

"Hey! Look at me. You don't deserve all the hate you get. You were only 9 when the dread doctors took you. You were a child who deserved so much better and they ruined your life. It's not your fault and everyone is allowed to have feelings Theo. Don't you think it's a good thing that you're changing and having feelings? Like sad, angry which I am right now because of my IED, happy, guilt, and.... Loved" why did I say the word love? Am I stupid now.

"Love?" Theo asked confused.
"Y- yeah Theo. 'Love' I mean like now that you've started having feelings which means that you can love people eventually. Like you can love your friends, family and maybe your- uh your girlfriend" Liam bit his lip from anxiety. 'girlfriend' this word hit him like s fucking truck. Why did his heart ache knowing that Theo can fall in love. what did he want? He didn't know all he wanted for Theo was to be happy.

"Girlfriend? Hahah I don't think I'll have a girlfriend that's just.... Weird. But thank you Liam." Theo said chuckling.

"Of course, I mean that's what 'friends' are for I guess." Friends why did it sound weird like Theo said. Why did it sound so weird when he said that they were just friends?

"Aaand why's having a girlfriend weird?" Liam asked. He just wanted to know. You know, nothing else. Just to know!!

"Um I don't know..." Theo said like he really doesn't know. Liam gets that. He never felt anything for anyone so it's okay. He thought to himself.

"I guess if you're okay, then I should go sleep because I have school, so do you!" Liam said walking away but Theo grabbed his wrist tightly and hugged him. Liam didn't hug back at first then after some seconds he hugged back.

"I haven't hugged anyone in almost nine years... Unless it was with fake emotions" Theo whispered. Liam could feel his breath ghosting his ear.

"Uhh um-" Then he had this weird feeling in his stomach. He got all freaked out. Then he broke the hug kind of shoved Theo. Theo's eyes widened as he did that.

"Uh I'm sorry I thought that I could hug you because we're friends-"

"It's okay Theo I just- I just need to uh go" Liam said walking out of the room. Theo didn't know what just happened. Why did the hug Liam? It felt...good though. Did Liam still hate him? Or he hated hugging him? He didn't know understand at all.

A/N : HELLO loves I hope you enjoyed idk what to say but please let me know what you think or let me know if you have any ideas!!! Bye 😎👋

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