I Promised

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It's been two days. Two damn days without Theo. Theo. He misses him. Every freaking second.

Liam checked his phone for the 20th time in the car. They're going back to beacon hills. And of course they couldn't catch that witch bitch Monroe.

"Theo's okay Liam, Mason called and told me that it was just an acciden-"

"WHAT?" Liam shouted. "Sorry, Mason told you this and you're telling me this just now?"

"It's nothing serious. I thought you'd start worrying that's why I didn't say anything" Scott spoke. "I know how it feels Liam. Don't worry he'll be fine!"

"But what happened to him? where is he? is Mason with him? Did Peter do something to him? Or anyone from school I will kil-"

"Calm down Liam, you really like him so much. I get that" Scott smiled.

"That's not the point here Scott. What the hell happened to him. I swear if you don't tell me-" Liam as cut by Scott taking a deep breath before speaking.

"It was the hunters. They shot him in the left arm. There was wolfsbane. But don't worry Peter and Deaton took care of it. He'll be fine. He'll heal" Scott reassured him.

Liam was so worried even tho he knew Theo will heal but what if he didn't? What if he died. "Don't overthink Liam. He won't die" Now was Scott a witch too? How did he read his mind.

"I know but I just.. you know I can't see him hurt. It makes me so angry."

"I know, Liam it happens when you lov-... L- like someone" Liam didn't understand why everyone stuttered when they wanted to say love. Love. Oh my god. Love. No. Nope. Don't overthink Liam. Not now.

After 2 hours of driving, they finally reached BH. "I can run, you can go home" Liam said. He was eager to see Theo. He wanted to call him but Scott told him not to. He didn't know why.

"No Liam I'm not leaving you here it's just a mile I can drive- hey heyy wait dont- Liam-" he got out of the car and started running.

"Make sure to call me when you get home!" Scott shouted from his car.

It took him at least 20 minutes. He was home. Panting.

He grab the doorknob and tried to open it then he knocked on the door. No he almost broke the door when someone opened it. It was Corey who opened the door and he saw mason standing there with a baseball bat in this hand. The one that Stiles gave him after the wild Hunt.

"What- what are you doing here?" He asked frowning.

"Protecting Theo!" They said at the same time. Then Corey looked at Mason and laughed.

"Where is Theo?" he asked looking at Theo's room upstairs.

"He's in your room" Liam's heart skipped a bit when he heard that.
He ran upstairs. Went to his room without even knocking. He opened the door seeing Theo laying on his bed. Theo looked at him with wide eyes. Liam just wanted to go hug the boy and kiss him. But it wasn't a good time. Was it?

"Hey" Theo said softly.

"Hey" Liam walked towards the bed and sat beside Theo seeing if he was hurt.

"It's okay little beta, I promised I won't die" Theo smirked a little bit at the nickname.

"But you got hurt. I swear if you broke the promise I-" Liam stopped his stupid mouth.

"You?" Theo asked frowning.

"That's not the point here. H- how's your arm?" Liam asked and ignored the part he wanted to say that he would die if something happened to Theo. Which is stupid. Isn't it?

"It's fine. I'm okay" Theo clearly doesn't like being sick or hurt or crying he hates those things.

"Can I see it?" Liam asked. Theo nodded. Liam touched Theo's left arm. That's not the weird thing. The thing is that he saw black veins appear on his wrist as soon as he touched Theo's arm. He didn't mean to take Theo's pain but it happened. Theo was in pain.

"You're in pain" Liam said.

"Yeah it's just- it's taking forever to heal. It'll be fine. I'm fine"

"No you're not, Theo it happened last night you're still not healing. You should be healed by now. You have to trigger the healing." Liam said angry.

"Well I can't. I can't trigger it. I don't know why. I just can't." He raised his voice. "Sorry" he muttered.

"Is that okay if I do this?" Liam said taking some of Theo's pain. "It will help you heal" Liam said.

Theo nodded. He was doing this thing again. The looking-at-liam's-lips. Liam noticed and shallowed. Theo lifted his right arm and cupped Liam's chin gently. Then he brushed his Liam's lower lip with his thumb. He sat down and leaned-

"I THINK WE SHOULD LEAVE YOU GUYS ALONE NOW. WE DIDN'T SLEEP LAST NIGHT TAKING CARE OF YOUR BOYFRIEND LIAM, NO THANKS? ANYWAYS TAKE GOOD CARE OF HIM. BYE" Mason shouted from downstairs. Liam's cheeks heated. He couldn't breath properly from the lack of oxygen. He looked at Theo who's heart also skipped a few beats then Theo looked away.

"S- see you two later.." he shouted standing from his position.

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