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THE ONCE EMPTY plantation house was now full of people. Alcohol was strewn about and multiple countless people chatted as if they hadn't in forever. The wolves had turned back into they're human form,dressed themselves and arrived. They all looked slightly disheveled. There were a few women but mainly manly men who walked around,shoulders raised and heads held high as if they owned the place. Even a few small children were seen running around freely.

Mackenzies heart warmed at the sight although a douse of confusion hit her..where were the the remaining lunas? Where were her family?

The Marshall felt a small tap on her shoulder,she turned around to be faced by eve who offered her a warm,grateful smile

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The Marshall felt a small tap on her shoulder,she turned around to be faced by eve who offered her a warm,grateful smile. The sisters had already done so much for them and they barely knew them. Hayley only recalled meeting the attractive boy when Elijah was sick and Mackenzie had only met eve when she saved her,offering information about her family.

"I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for us so far..you and your sister are remarkable young ladies" she held up a small red solo cup that she sipped on before standing next to her.

"It's alright..you may not be from my pack but your my sisters family so that means your mine too..plus,I just so happen to like you. Speaking of family..where are the lunas you were talking about?" Eve visually tensed at her comment,taking one last sip of her beer from the red cup and discarding it in a nearby trashcan the blonde original had placed.

"Yes..about that. Is there somewhere we can talk freely without all these people?" Mackenzie nodded,grabbing Eve before taking her to her old room. She plopped herself down onto the bed carelessly and Eve followed,sighing in contempt at the warm mattress under her. "The luna's I was talking about..they're not just a part of your pack"

"What do you mean?" Mackenzie fiddled with the bunched up sheets that lay beneath the two before glancing back up at the blonde.

"Well..they're family" eve stumbled over her words slightly..having no idea how to break it to the girl that she had kept the fact that she had a twin and older brother that were currently outside.

"Eve,calm down..take deep breaths and spit it out" Mackenzie tried calming the girl having no idea in a mere second that Eve would be doing the same for her.

"You have brothers.." Eve winced as Mackenzies face went blank,her eyes stilled on the door,her jaw squared and her body completely froze.

" ......."

Silence,that was all that the elder wolf heard as she finished delivering the sentence. The Marshall's face went entirely blank in a second. No emotion showed and no sound rippled. Her breathing hitched for a moment before she dropped her eyes to the carpet beneath the two.

She had brothers? She had family?

She was over the moon (quite literally) when she heard that there were two Luna pack members left. But she wasn't expecting actual family. She was half expecting them to be an old couple or something. Not brothers..definitely not.

"W-What?" The wolf found her voice,she took a shaky tone,finally glancing at the wolf in front of her who had tears apparent in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you,I didn't want you to leave last time on a bombshell so I refrained from saying anything. You have an older brother called Alex and a twin called Archie..I would tell you everything but I think it's best if they tell you.just know that they're here and they want to see you"

"I have a twin?...oh my god. I have family?" A large smile stretched itself across the girls face. Not a grin or a smirk but a genuine smile. Thinking back,she recalled having nightmares as a young child going into teen years about two small boys. "The nightmares"

"The What now?"

"I had nightmares as a young child. They were about two b-boys. One slightly older and another about my age. I was only young but I was being pulled form them. The younger one was crying whereas the older held him back. There were two older people. A man and a woman. They were crying also..oh my god. I always thought it was a dream" she gasped,standing up from the bed.her small hands covered her cheeks in shock...it wasn't just a dream..it was a memory. But despite the shock,she faced Eve who looked just as shook as her "Where are they?"

Eve let out a laugh imagining what the two boys were currently up to " Well,Alex is probably flirting with someone and Archie is probably hanging out with his best friend..I'll show you them if you want. I understand if it's too much"

"No,I want to meet them" she smiled widely "but first I have to find Hayley and tell her. She'd like to meet them too"

* * * * * *

"So your saying that you have two brothers?wow" Hayley shook her head,watching as the crowd quietened down slightly. She'd previously met Eve and she'd chatted with a few people who were particularly interested in where her sister was. Still,she had yet to find the guy she'd talked to a month back.

"Ooh,are you looking for mr mysterious hot Wolfe guy?" Her sister teased nudging her shoulder. Hayley's cheeks turned a bright red colour and she glared at her sister.

Eve suddenly appeared in front of the two with a grin. " I have someone who wants to meet you..shall we go somewhere else?" Mackenzie glanced back at her sister,not wanting to leave her alone but Hayley sent her a smile and pushed her lightly to Eve.

"Go on,meet your family"

* * * * * *

"You ready?" Eve asked the girl. She nodded,squeezing the blondes hand rather tightly.

She was ready....ready to meet her family.

ready to meet her family

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An: Ahh! She's meeting them next chapter and Jackson..a lot will change. This has changed a little obviously from the actual episode x

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