I should have stayed(part.1)

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Addie POV:
It's about 2 month that I am in LA everything has been great except the fact that I miss Meredith but luckily for me I really hadn't had much time to think about it.
I just got to bad when I get a call from Derek
wow I didn't hear from him in like 2 month?? What happened??
-hi, Derek what happens?? Why would you call??
-Addie?? It's... it's... it's Meredith she... she...
I could hear he was upset and than that was it her name Meredith I started worrying
-Derek, just calm down and tell me what happened. okay??
- Meredith, one of her friends found her laying on the bathroom floor with blood running down her wrists. Addie...?
He asked not hearing me answer
I was shocked. Meredith? my Meredith?? Was she death?? Was she alive?? Was this my fault?? Omg if this was my fau- I got cut off by Derek screaming my name
-Addison are you still here??
-yes.. yes! I'm here! Is she okay? Do you want me to come??
-I don't know she is in surgery. But yes please come you were... friends... I guess... so I think she would have wanted you here.
-ok I am going on the first plane!
Than I close the phon call. I call a cab and went to the airport I cry all the way to Seattle when I landed I practically run to the hospital where I found Derek in tears with his head in his hands sit in the waiting room I tried to make him talk but he was too upset so I went to Meredith's friends and asked them what happened they told me that after I left Meredith hadn't gone to work, hadn't eaten and she was like so sad, she broke up with Derek and she didn't talk to anybody.
Omg maybe it was all my fault, I did this to Meredith, I make her attempt suicide.
Anyway my thoughts were cut off by Bailey who came to update us about Meredith "okay people listen to me Meredith is fine out of surgery she'll wake up in a few hours and I think someone should be there"
She said I didn't relly heard all of that I stopped at "she is fine"
After that Cristina said "I can do it! I can stay with mer!" After that also George, Izzie and Alex showed up for the job at the end Bailey give them all the day free so they could stay with Meredith.
After Mer's friends get into her room I get into the bathroom crying and there I found Callie who tried to calm me down.

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