I need you to wake up...

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Meredith POV:

I have been all day with Addison... trying to wake her up but nothing.

"It's time..." Richard announced as he walks in "no! No! No! I am not ready! I am not ready to let her go! Not yet!" I cry out "I am sorry Meredith, but it's not your decision." He says as he looks at mark for approval "yeah go on..." mark says trying hard not to cry "No! No! He might be ready to give up on her, but-but I am not! Please, please! Mark don't make him unplug her! Please... she is coming back I can feel it!" I say totally freaking out

I can't believe that this is the end... after all we've been through, to end it like this, I- I can't... god...

"Let's unplug her, little Grey, could you take your sister out with you" Mark said to my sister "No! No! No! I am not leaving her side until she's warm and death" I say literally screaming at mark "ok Grey... you can stay..." Mark look at me forcing a smile
Oh god I hate him!

I know he is suffering too but right now I don't really care about anyone but Addison

"Do you wanna say goodbye first?" Richard asks, I know the question was directed at mark but I answer it "yes, please" as I say it Richard step away from the breathing machine "Addison... we waisted a lot of time that we could have used to be together instead, but I've never stopped loving you, and I honestly think I never will... I love you... please come back..." I say crying a little "I- I can't be in here..." mark says as he walks away

It's kinda good that he is not here so I can kiss her at least one time before she... you know

So I do... I lay down and kiss her... in that moment, the moment our lips touch I kinda feel like she was there like she was alive... I don't wanna pull away but I have to...

"Ok... that was a goodbye, I guess" I say crying
"Or maybe it wasn't, was it?" I hear a whisper from a known voice... Addison's. I can't believe it, I look up at her and here she is... awake!  "Oh- oh my god are you-... are you real?" I ask looking at her "yes I am Meredith!" Addison says chuckling "omg you're alive!" I exclaimed "yes thank to you..." she says

I am so fucking happy she woke up...


So... Addie is not death! Yeii, and you're welcome
Anyway I kinda wanna write a sex scene, but I never did it before so... should I?

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