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Meredith POV:
I woke up in a hospital bed I didn't remember what happened, as I open my eyes I see Addison next to me. Wait! WHAT Addison is here??! As in the woman I tried to kill myself for, Addison??! I can't speak I do not have the strength to do that I just look at her, at her beautiful sleepy face, you could see she had been crying... I feel that she is holding my hand so I try to squeeze her so that she'd wake up and it worked, she woke up and looked at me with her eyes full of tears and smiled " it's okay, I promise. I'm here, I am not going to leave again" she said as she try not to cry too hard. I try to tell her something but I couldn't even open my mouth " hey, hey don't push it when you'll feel stronger you'll talk. I'll be here waiting for you. Okay?" She says with the kindness that she always have, she would always try to smile and make you feel better even when she felt like dying, I loved that about her...
Than she said something
unexpected " I love you too"

Ok this was kinda short I am sorry

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