The one and only

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Meredith POV:
*after a few weeks *
She leans in and kiss me oh god! She taste sooo good I think I might moan right now, oh god she so good at it She starts taking off my shirt and touching me going down till-
" Meredith! Mer! Wake up today you are going out of the hospital! Aren't you excited about it?" Izzie says cutting off my beautiful dream "yes, yes Iz I am excited " I answer "yeii" she says smiling as always, " how are things going with Addison anyway?" She asks
"Addison and I aren't really together i think... I mean we haven't kiss we haven't talk about our relationship... what are we? Anyway I am going to ask her out soon" I reply " okay, we'll I guess that with Mc. hottie sex will be great!" She says "who's sec is great with?" Alex ask as he walks in "I am not talking about you babe if this is what you're wandering" Izzie says as she kiss him "how're you doing?" Alex ask me while hugging Iz. I like them together they're so cute
"I am good thanks" I answer "today is the big day uh?" Alex ask "yes... it is" I say kinda sad "why do you sound sad? This should be good!" Alex say "yeah I know just from now on I have to face life again and I am not sure I can do it" I say not thinking about it " oh Mer... I am sorry, but we'll be home and help you also you don't have to come back to work right away, and just so you know Addison just signed the contract here at Seattle grace again" Izzie says trying to reassure me but all I really heard is 'Addison signed-contract' " really Addison is back for good?!" I say super excited " yes I am babe! I just finished my first case back here, and now I am taking you home" she say as she walk in and kiss me on my forehead God is so good when she calls me babe.
*a few hours later*
"And here we are!" I say telling Addison where my house was, she stop the car and send me in with Iz and Alex " wait my bags" I say "oh don't worry I'll take them" Addison say.
I go inside my house and see everything again " where is your room I'll just leave them there" says Addison talking about my bags "upstairs the second on the left" Iz answer for me "thanks Addison say.
When she come back downstairs she ask "do you want me to stay?"
"What do you say if you come pick me up at 8:15 pm here and we go somewhere nice? Alone?" I say with my seductive voice, she thinks about it and than she says "yes, why not" she wasn't so sure but she accepted which is good... so I'll se her tonight.
*later that night*
I am ready to go to the dinner with Addie, we are going to a fancy restaurant so I wear a fancy black dress similar to the one I was wearing at the prom
*flash back*
It's the prom night I'm here with Finn I don't like him but I had to came with someone I couldn't be alone I would end up crying over Addison. As I enter the room I see her, Addison Montgomery the most beautiful woman in the room, god I was falling down the stairs...
*later that night *
Me and Derek are watching each other from two side of the room, correction he is watching me I am watching his amazingly beautiful wife... he come next to me and we end up having sex in an on call room, I am only doing this because I am alone and this might be the closest thing to have sex with Addison I will ever feel so...
*end of the flash back*
Oh the prom... anyway I was wrong if everything goes right this night I may end up having sex with the real Addison Montgomery, NOT someone she had sex with but her in person oh god I am super excited

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