Don't leave again

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Meredith POV:
I talked with Addison earlier and I think that I might have seemed crazy when she left I was all like 'please don't leave me again' in front of all the hospital and it was kinda embarrassing but I was scared...
After Addie left I stayed with Cristina, Izzie, Lexie, George and Alex who had a lot to discuss with me but while they talked all I could think about was what would I end up doing if Addison had really left like the last time.
*that night*
It's 8:30 pm and Addison still hasn't came back, my friends are sleeping in my hospital room tonight, they didn't wanna leave me alone. I decided that I'll give Addison another hour I mean she left at 7 pm one hour it's not that much time.
*later that night*
It's 11:12 pm and Addison still hasn't came back.I think she left. Again.    Oh god it hurts so much
I honestly don't know what to do to help the pain, I only know one way...
So I assured that all of my friends were asleep and than I looked myself in the bathroom...

Addison POV:
I was sleeping when I heard my phone ringing "hello? Who is this" I answered the phone "hi is this dr. Montgomery on the phone?" A female voice said "yes it's her, who is this again?"
"Hi I am a nurse at Seattle Grace I call you to inform you..." she continue as I hear that she us calling from the hospital I hang up the phone and run there
Is something happened to Mer? Is she ok? Wait... what time is it? O dmn it's late I should have came back sooner! Damn it Addison! If something happens to her again because of you...
I was so worried. I drove as fast as I could to get to the hospital, as soon as I was there I saw one of Meredith's friends came in my way crying, I didn't really know her, I saw her the first night waiting with George for Meredith to be better, I think her name is Lexie "hey are you one of Meredith's friends?" I ask " I am her sister... half-sister, why do you ask?" The brunette answers me while trying not to cr- a
Wait what? Mer has a sister? Ok we'll discuss that later "I am Addison Montgomery... they called me from the hospital is something happen?" I say "oh, you're Addison... I thought they called you like 5 minutes ago?" She says "6,I drove fast, but that's not the point is Mer ok?" I say like really fast " no... actually, she is not she looked herself in the bathroom and when I broke trough I found her on the bathroom floor with blood running down her left wrist and a razor file on the right hand and- and *started crying*"  she explained as I hear that I run into mer's room to find her surrounded by her doctors and friends (and also Derek was there) crying and screaming to not let them fix her, when she saw me she stopped wiggling and screaming and started silently crying and staring at me " you're back " she says still with tears but smiling "of course I am back! Where did you think I was?" I say while everyone in the room is staring at me " I don't know... LA?" She answer " you thought I left?!" I ask a little angry while walking towards her, she nods in a little fear "is that why you did this?!" I asked more frustrated, she nods again with fear in her eyes "oh Mer..." I say as I reach out to hug her, as my chest touch her head she begins to break down in my arms holding on to me, I looked at Bailey and she kicked everyone out of the room, before she leaves she asks " do you need anything?" I look down to Meredith still breaking down and say "just some water please" she nods in response.
As Bailey leaves Meredith looks up in my eyes " I am- I am so sorry that- that I did -I did that" she says while sobbing I look down at her " it's okay babe... it's ok, I promise" I say holding her again we stayed like that for a while until Bailey came in with a glass of water for Meredith " here you go" she says as she gives Meredith the glass as she takes it I can clearly see her hand shaking while she tries to drink " I think that maybe you should get some sleep, okay?" I say "you're not going to go to your house again are you?" She asked concerned "if you don't want me to... no, we do as you say, ok?" I say trying to cam her down " can you stay here for the night?" She ask "sure, I can sleep on the couch!" I say smiling "the couch is uncomfortable... sleep next to me" she offers        Does she mean like sleeping with her in the same bed? Oh god! I know that she's feeling bad and all but we haven't even kiss or anything and for how much she can not being good she is so hot, I am afraid of how my body is going to react to her body right next to mine in bed, oh god
"Addison? Will you sleep here or no the couch?" Mer ask " with you I guess" I say with my fake smile.
I lay next to her and she puts my arm around her and fall asleep, I am like super horney right now...

Ok y'all I was wondering if you'd like to follow me on TikTok @_montgomeryrobbins_ <333

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