Happily ever aft-

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Addison POV:

After a while I dried my tears from my face stand up and went to work

As I go out of the room everything was different of how I left it... the corner in front of me wasn't just a corner anymore it was the corner where I find out that Meredith probably loved me too... and the nurse station was the place where she met the real me for the first time, the hole was where I met her, where i saw her, where I fell in love with her... but also where I find out she was marrying someone else... everything that has nothing to do with her just feel numb... every sound seams padded... my views is tarnished...

until I saw her... standing there showing her ring to the nurses... everything just came back to my head...

so I went with Bailey to see a patient of hers, we had to take the car to get there cause it was outside the hospital

During the trip I was thinking about her... during the visit I was thinking of her... during the back trip I was thinking about her...


All black...

Meredith POV:

I don't see Addison since Derek told her we were getting married...

I was ok until I overheard a phone call of the chef... "Miranda? Miranda calm down! where are you? How is that you don't know? How's Addison?"

Addison? What does this mean? Addison is fine! Right?

"What do you mean you can't find her? Listen the firefighters are coming ok? Don't worry Miranda!"

Firefighters? Don't worry? What did he mean? Is Addison hurt?

I decided to ask him "excuse me? Chef?" I say knocking at his door "yeah Meredith come in!" Dr. Webber answered "sorry chef I couldn't help but hear your conversation with dr. Bailey, is Addi- I mean dr. Montgomery ok?" I ask him "listen Meredith I know about your relationship... and to answer your question I don't know... Bailey told me they were in a car acc but she was shocked so she wasn't totally clear, she was talking about blood and fire and... she was clearly in shock! But I don't honestly know how Addison is..." he continued to talk but I walked away and went to the nearest fire station... to ask them how my Addison was...

After a bit of searching i find out where the accident happened, and I went there

"Ma'am I am sorry but this car could explode any moment, you can't go near it" a firefighters explain to me "is anyone in there?" I ask "there could be a woman but for what we know she could have been thrown out of the window... we are looking for her in the woods..." the firefighter says "but what if she is in there?" I ask "she would dye before we could take her out if she isn't already dead" he says "how do you dare say that? There is a wine in there and you are letting her dye! For what you know she could have kids and you would leave this kids orphans, for what? Laziness?" I actually yelled that part  "listen ma'am I can't send someone to take her out of there... I-it's too dange- wait what are you doing? You can't go in there!" He says as he notice that I am going to take her out of there "why not? You said that you couldn't send someone there but I choose that on my own" I say straight "ma'am you really wanna stop now!"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WHAT I WANT! Listen the woman in that car is the love of my life! If she dies I dye!
So! I am going in there! Wether you like it or not!" I say as I run near the exploding car

"Help.      Help.   " I hear a whisper... 
"Addison! Is that you!?"
I ask
"Meredith?" Addison asks, you could clearly hear she was in pain "don't worry babe I am getting you out of here!" I say convinced "yo-you can't!" She says "yes I can and I will" I say still trying to get her out " you heard the man out there... this car will explode... Meredith! I have to dye, but you don't! Please save yourself!" She said "I'd wouldn't survive your death! You DON'T have to dye! You heard me! You don't dye!" I say I am so shocked "babe... let me go..."
"No! I won't give up on you! Not again! I love you, I love you too much for letting you dye!"
"See... that is what I was scared of... I was scared of us..."
"Hey hey! I got you... I got you I am getting you out of here... right... no-"



Ok I actually cried while writing this but don't worry I am not done yet!

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