You can't leave me!

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Meredith POV:

*a few months later*

Death. Death. Death. We see it around us, we hear people talk about it or what there's after it...
no one can escape it... no one can know it for sure, no one!


"What... what's happening? Where's Addison?" I ask as I wake up in a hospital bed "Meredith just rest now ok?" Derek says trying to relax me " don't tell me what to do! Where is Addison?" I ask again "she's..." Derek starts a little unsure "oh no! Don't tell me she's..." I say crying a lot! "No Mer! She is not death if that's what you meant! But you could have died in there!" Cristina says as she walks in "I know but I had to get her out of there, cause     if-" I say. It she cuts me of "if she dyes you dye I know you told me that like one hundred times!" Cristina said annoyed but I could see she was happy I was alive " well you said Addison is fine! Is she awake yet? Can I se her?" I say "I didn't say she was fine, I said she was alive!" Cristina specify "she hasn't woken up in a month... Mer we don't know if she ever will..." Cristina says "so... I didn't save her? I haven't done enough!?" I say starting crying hard "can I at least see her...?" I ask and she leads me to Addison room "please god! Please don't take Addison! Please I need her... I love her" I find mark praying holding Addie's hand "hey dr. Sloan..." I say "Meredith! You're awake! Thanks for taking Addison out of that damn car! Of there's any chance for her it's thank to you! Really thank you!" Mark says to me with tears filled eyes "yeah your welcome..." I whisper seeing he took back looking at her

I got near to her and headed her hand and started crying

*flashback ends*

"Me and mark are getting along... he seams good... I didn't told him what you told me before that I don't think I should be telling him that... anyway it's been 5 month now and you are not awake... please wake up! Please... we could have kids like you always wanted... Addie please wake up I can't loose you I wouldn't make it, mark wouldn't make it! Please wake up!"

"Hey Mer... it's time to go..." Cristina says to me "I know but... *crying hard* I don't wanna leave her..." I say watching her "Mer if you're late today too you are gonna get fired!" Cristina said "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT!? ABD DO YOU THINK I CARE EVEN A LITTLE ABOUT MY Job NOW??" I ask angry I am not mad at her... but... "sorry I miss her..." I apologize to Cristina "I know... don't worry... I understand you wanna spend her last day with her..." Cristina said "what do you mean with her last day?" I say worried, with tears rolling down my eyes, taking my eyes off of Addison for the first time... " mark didn't tell you today they're gonna unplug her...?" I look at her shocked and that quickly look back at Addison starting sobbing over her chest... "he obviously didn't..."

"You HAVE TO wake up... you have to... please don't leave me alone, please! Please! Please!*sobbing harder*"

Ok I got a little transported by the story... hope you like it <333

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