Just us

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Meredith POV:
*flash back*
The redhead walks towards us, and Derek looks at me " Meredith I am so sorry" I was so confused
" Addison what are you doing here??"
"You would know if you would have reached anyone of my phone calls" I was hearing the conversation didn't understanding what the hell was happening until the redhead turned to me and looked at me in the eyes, oh god those eyes I think I got lost in them like 100 times before she even started to talk " hi I am Addison Shepard" she said "Shepard??" I asked thinking it was one of Derek's sisters but than she said " and you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband" husband?? Husband?? Seriously?? I looked at Derek With confusions and anger at the same time than I walked away.

Later that night I was drinking at jo with Izzie and Cristina when I see her coming in... Addison Shepard... she just looked stunning I couldn't help but looking at her until Cristina asked me who was she, I tried to understand how to explain to her that I got a crush on the wife of my boyfriend or ex-boyfriend or whatever "hey... heart to Meredith, Meredith are you there?? Who is she and why are you staring at her like you'd wanna eat her out??"
"She is... Derek's wife"
I finally say
" oh no! Oh no no no no no! Don't tell me that... don't tell me..."
She said in her drunk voice " Yes! Okay!? Yes Cristina I have a crush on my ex-boyfriend's wife! Are you happy now that I..." I scream...
I realize what I was doing " said it out loud and she has probably heard me! Damn it Cristina!!"
I said as I realize and turn around to see everyone staring at me " oh no no no!!" I said with my head in my hands, after that I turned around to see if Addison was there and luckily she wasn't, she wasn't there maybe she didn't hear anything! Or maybe she did and just decided to run. "Omg what did I just do??" I say " you just declared that you have a crush on your ex-boyfriend's wife, witch could have heard you but luckily for you didn't" Cristina try to explain in her 'I'm drunk and so I can say and do whatever I want' mood.

Okay so... this was my first flash back chapter what do y'all think about it?? <333

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