The wronged woman here...

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Addison POV:
Meredith was still unconscious when I woke up some hours later. I kept looking at her staring at her beauty even if she was so thin that you could feel her bones and hat cuts practically everywhere she was still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
*flash back*
Last night was a nightmare seeing Derek after so long...
Anyway today is my first day at Seattle grace hospital and I requested the blonde girl that I sow with Derek last night it appears that her name is Meredith, what a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl... oh no Addison you will NOT fall for her! Okay??
*few hours later*
"Dr. Montgomery Shepard, did you requested me??" Said the blonde girl, you could easily tell she was worried, but her face, her eyes, her body... No, no, NO! Addison STOP!!
"Dr. Montgomery Shepard?"
The blonde girl get me out of my thoughts. "Yes... yes I did requested you."
"Julie Philips, female, 37 yers old, present with twins who have joint blood vassals" says Meredith as we walk in the patient's room I ask her some questions to tase her until I found a question to witch she couldn't answer "...I would expect you to know that Grey" I said "isn't it impossible to correct??" Miss. Philips ask me "it is unless you are one of the 2 surgeons in the east cost that knows how to do it, witch luckily for you I am " I say flexing my abilities.
As we exit the room Meredith told me " I could have answered that if you would have give me the time" I look at her and see the desire to show her knowledge " don't worry Grey I am that hard on everyone not just the women who is screwing my husband.
*the next day*
We performed miss. Philips surgery and let Meredith do a part of it I can not describe the look on her eyes when she operates she looks so happy. After surgery I went to update miss. Philips and letting her know that Meredith will be responsible of her post ops. " I was wondering if it would be possible to get her out of my case" miss. Philips said pointing Meredith " why? Is there any problem?" I ask looking at Meredith who had a confusion look on her face " she just reminds me of someone I don't like very much, someone my husband likes a lot, especially in loungery" said miss. Philips " you'll understand" she adds looking at me " no... no I don't " I say to her " it's cause she is sleeping with your husband right?" She concludes " miss Philips I lack dr. Grey class and patience so... let me get the record straight, my husband didn't cheat on me I cheated on him, so the wronged woman here dr. Grey. So I guess you own her one hell of apology " and with that and my water filled eyes I get out of the room.

So... I don't know medical terms

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