She doesn't get to do that

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Meredith POV:

Addison stops following me so I lock myself in an on call room and... cut

*end of the flashback*

Now I am not really sure about where am I or what am I thinking or what my problem is... and it stays like that for a couple of minutes until I hear someone knocking at the door "go away!" I say "not until you prove me that you are not hurting yourself in there" Addison says to me

I thought she stopped following me... I thought she gave up...

"Well you shouldn't care about it! You left me, remember?" I say at her trying to get her to leave "Mer..."
"What!?" I shout at her
"I- you're wrong, ok? I care and I should care because even if I ever stopped loving you, which I didn't, you would still be someone that I loved and cared and that will never change!" Addison keeps trying. I know she is just trying to help me but it really pisses me off "well you didn't seam to care or love me when you were flirting with your boyfriend!" I say defending myself.

Addison POV:

Don't get me wrong, I know I hurt her, but I just want her to be ok now.  "He is not my boyfriend!" I say as if it would matter something right now but it's actually all I could think about, Mark, mark was all I could think about I mean... I loved him, once and he is a good guy... in the end, and I could be happy with him, like really happy, and he loves me! But I love Meredith who I can't be with... so yei me! "Mer! Open this fucking door please!" I say after a while that I didn't hear her but she doesn't answer "Mer, THIS is NOT a joke! If you're ok in there please say something" she still doesn't answer "Mer! Mer! Open this freaking door!! Right now Mer! Ok I am breaking in so if you can hear me don't be next to the door " I say as I try to break the door, but of course I end up looking for help, and the only one I could ask to was Mark, and he actually helped we break the door and I run in "Mer! Mer! Are you ok!?" I say all worried while I see her laying on the floor next to the bad looking at me "yeah! I am fine!" Meredith says angry
I understand that she is suffering but this is not a joke I am actually worried about her!  " oh god please don't do that again" I say relaxing myself "for what is worth I am planning on doing that every time you'll try to control what I do!" Meredith says like if she was a 5 years old kid "stop it! Just stop it! You don't get to get me scared like that over nothing just because you are mad at me!" I yell at her that I see her wrists and the fresh cuts on them, so I get close to her take her arms and ask her about it "what the hell are these?!" I ask "they are cuts, Addison! You should know them, you are a surgeon!" Mer says to me at that point I just couldn't do it " yeah right sorry about that" I whisper as I leave the room and get into an on call room in a few seconds mark reaches me in there too "hey... are you ok?" He asks "yeah of course, why?" I answer "cause you don't seam ok! You had been crying during the breaking door part, than the conversation with your ex, or not ex, part, than the leaving the room part and now! Now it doesn't really seams like you are able to breathe anymore and you have tears filled eyes and tears rolling down your beautiful cheeks..." he says chuckling while tasking one of the tears away from my face with his finger and... no one cared about me that much since Meredith (the before suicide attempt Meredith) and I melted "it's just she doesn't get to treat me like this! Right?" I say crying, I didn't really noticed I was crying before he told me I was "no, she doesn't... come here" he says as if he wanted to hug me I hug him because I needed it we stayed like that for a long time... and in all that all I could think about is what about Mer? Is someone holding her like this? I should be the one holding her! I should be her safe place! Not a place to run from and avoid!

I want to do a slip of those of like a month what do you think about it? Anyway hope you liked it <333

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