Happily ever after... For real this time

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Addison POV:

*the next morning*

I wake up next to a sleepy Meredith

She is gorgeous when she sleeps

I look at her for a while until she wake up and kiss me good morning
"Good morning Addie..." she says still half asleep "morning beautiful" I say back to her.

In that moment everything just seamed perfect
"Hey guys! Last night you were pretty loud so I assume your date went great!" Until that! Izzie interrupting our magical perfect moment

Lye back down without answering "yeah it went great!" Meredith says than she looks at me "right?" She asks me "yeah..." I answer frustrated "what's up?" Mer asks "do they always do like that?" I ask her pointing at Iz, Lexie and Alex right on the door line

I mean I know they're all really close, but... like this? Like when one of them has sex they come to tell them they were loud?
Idk I guess I never had this time of friendship...

"Yeah they do! Actually someone's missing!" Mer says a little confused in the last part

"Hey Mer! How did last night go? Iz told me you were pretty loud..." Cristina enter the door smiling and laughing a bit "hey Dr. Montgomery, still here?" She says acknowledging my presence
"Yeah still here" I say thinking that she would have walked away, dumb me! Cristina came sitting on Mer's bed to talk to her, while I was naked in it!

"Ok I don't think Addie is enjoying this, could you all please get out?"mer asks them noticing my frustration "ok, fine! Talk later?" Cristina says getting up
"Yeah of course!" Mer answer and after that we were alone again

"Sorry about that..." Mer says looking at me "well I was gonna thank you for kicking them out but now I think I am just gonna say 'oh that was nothing, don't worry'" I say smiling at her
She laugh at what I say
"Ok. So now what do we do?" Mer ask me "I'd say that we get up, get dressed, go downstairs, have breakfast and than see each other at work" I say "ok I can deal with that" Mer says as she gets up
"Where are you going?" I ask her "uhm... I am going to get dressed...didn't we decide to do that(?)" she says confused "yeah but first..." I kiss her and take her back on the bed "this..." I say smirking

*some months later*

Meredith POV:

Me and Addie are doing great! We are actually living together, and it's fine cause Alex and Izzie moved out in their own home and Lexie went living with mark, so no more roommates!

I am planning on proposing cause, well why not?

I love her, she loves me, Derek is fine with it and we are really happy together

I am planning on doing it tonight, me and Addie are going out for dinner, to the first restaurant we've ever been together

I just think it's a perfect place to propose

I choose the ring and I really think she'll like it

*that night*

It is perfect she is so happy tonight I don't know why but is good!

I am a little nervous I will do it after dinner is over

When we finally stop eating, I start looking into my purse for the ring but I can't find it
"Mer turn around" Addison says with a very happy tone "wait, it'll take me a minute!" I say
"No, Mer... turn around, you are not gonna find your ring..." Addison says witch makes me turn around to see her on her knee to propose with a little box in her hand "wait, are you...?" I say
"Well I was planning on propose but than I saw your ring in your purse so I took it out of there and put it in the drawer so you wouldn't see it..." Addie says still super happy "so... what now?"

"Well I was planning to ask you something..."  Addie says and I begin to be emotional "ok, go on..." I say
"I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
'Cause I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile,
I think that you are the one for me
'Cause it gets so hard to breathe when you're looking at me
I've never felt so alive and free, when you're looking at me... everything seams... amazing, so I was wondering if you'd do me the honor to marry me... so... will you marry me?" she asked "yes! Yes! Of course yes! I love you!" I say kissing her "I love you too" she said

I am gonna spend the happiest life...


Should I continue the story??
Anyway I used a pice of dandelion for the proposal
Hope you liked it <333

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