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[1 thing, check the description before reading, please. The chapter has: A bit of bullying, f slur, self harm, cursing]

Travis' POV:

I was walking to the back of the school, taking out a pack of cigarettes from my back pocket. As soon as I got to the back of the school, Larry and Sal were there, Larry was trying to convince Sal to smoke some weed with him. I put my pack of cigarettes back, as for not to get caught smoking, that, would be bad.

"Phelpsy? What are you doing back here?" Larry asked.

"1. Don't call me that, 2. No reason, prick."

"Who you calling a prick, stoner." Larry smirked.

Sal was confused, his head tilted like a confused puppy to show. I didn't respond, "what's wrong?~ cat got your tounge?" Larry teased. I glared at him and sighed. I walked over and pushed Larry against the wall. "Don't fucking tease me, Johnson."

Larry groaned in pain a bit as his back hit the wall. "Whatever. Why'd you come back here?" "I already said, no reas-" I got cut off as Sal interrupted. "So.. Larry, maybe we should go back inside.." Sal rubbed his arm anxiously, "no. I wanna know why this drug addict is here. Probably to smoke weed or some shit." Larry puts his hands in his jean pockets. Sal crosses his arms, honestly he's so cu-

"Larry, let's go. We wouldn't want to get detention again, would we?" Sal grabs Larry's arm. I just glared at Sal. "Whatever, man." Larry pulls away and goes inside, leaving me with Sal.

Sal looks at me then walks up to me and sighs, his prosthetic staring up at me. I look down at him a bit, "so...what did Larry mean by "stoner" Travis?"

I don't respond, I only take the pack of cigarettes out and a lighter, I grab a cigarette from the pack and then put the pack away again. Sal took the cigarette from my hand "Hey, wtf?" Sal doesn't say anything, so I take the cigarette back and kick his leg. "Ow!" Sal backs up a bit, I light the cigarette and put the lighter away

"You shouldn't smoke, Travis, it's bad" Sal sighs looking at the ground and kicking rocks. "Why do you care, faggot?" I growl. And put the cigarette between my lips.

---Time skip: Lunch---

Sal's POV:

I was sitting down at my usual lunch table with, Larry, Ash, Todd, Maple and Chug, I noticed Travis leaving the cafeteria, so, I made an excuse I'd always use to leave the cafeteria. "I'll be right back guys, gotta use the bathroom" I get up and follow Travis.

Travis went straight for the boys bathroom, and had what looked to be a blade in his hand, oh boy.. I follow Travis into the bathroom.

Travis hid in the last stall as I walked up to the stall as he closed and locked it.

"Travis don't" I sit down against the stall door, as I hear him squeak in response as if being surprised that I followed him. "SallyFace, did you fucking follow me?!" He whisper-yells, for no reason actually, no one else is in the restroom. I chuckle a bit "maybe I could have, but you wouldn't know that, huh? I could be in here for using the bathroom, y'know, but yes, i did follow you"

I hear Travis change positions. "Well, what do ya want." I sigh, and unbuckle the bottom of my prosthetic. "Give me the blade, please, I don't want you hurting yourself" Travis groans, and then groans in pain. "Travis?" I ask turning to the stall.

Travis' POV again:

"Travis?" Sal asked, I had ignored Sal and stabbed myself in the arm, heh. Goddammit the pains so fucking nice.. "yeah?" I respond, taking the blade out of my arm as blood drips onto the floor, creating a small puddle. "You okay?.." Sal asks yet, another question. I sigh "I'm fine, now go the fuck away, you damn faggot." I growl, cutting open where I had stabbed my arm, now smiling at the sight.

"Travis.... fine.." Sal gets up and leaves, I smile more, knowing the faggot is gone. But then frowning knowing as I'll see him again after lunch, oh well. I started to the the same to my other arm. Stabbing, cutting, opening, ....tasting.

I stop, I stare at what I'm doing, I need fucking help. I'm not okay, I need damn help, I'm a fucking psycho! This is not normal-. I'm a freak as well, huh? Damnit. I'm a real disappointment.


Is this good?? I'm not sure if it is.. oh well! ^^

Have a nice day/afternoon/night folks!

--- Travis

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