Sal Fisher and Kenneth Phelps.

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((Maybe I'll do Larvis but them as ghosts, just maybe!) this chapter has: f Slurs, mentions of murder)

No one's POV:

Sal had just left Ashley's house. Kenneth walked put of the hospital, out of luck for Sal, since Ashley had moved near the hospital. Kenneth spotted Sal and walked up to him, grinning evilly. Sal looked up at the man, "Hello, mr.Phelps.." they hadn't had a good relationship. Kenneth had basically grabbed one of Sal's pigtails, pulling him into a near by alleyway.

"Ow-!" Sal yelped. Kenneth throws Sal to the ground. "Shut it. I have some important things to talk about with you." Keneth said, calming down a tad bit. Sal got up and titled his head in confusion, "important.? With me?. I mean, okay.." Kenneth rolled his eyes, "it's about, Larry, Travis, the cult, and other situations." Sal's head rose up quickly, as if he was in shock.

"Let's start with.. their deaths." Sal fiddled with the sleeve of his sweater. "Their, deaths.? What do you mean.?" Sal asked the adult male. Kenneth chuckled, "their dead, Sal. I killed them! [Laugh] Travis is dead, Larry is dead." Sal started to cry. "Wh-what.. mon- [sob] monster.!" "Shut the fuck up, faggot." Kenneth snarled. Sal Shut up, but didn't stop crying.

"I shot them, Sal. Travis got shot on the head! Hey.. doesn't that remind you of something similar? Whatever. Larry got shot as well... [Laugh] right in the heart." Sal tried his best not to sob loudly and scream.

"Now, as for the know about it, correct?" Kenneth asked the smaller boy in front of him. Sal nodded. Kenneth smiled in a devilish way. "Well.. you might want to know this then, I have gotten a few of the cultists to grab Larry and Travis' bodies. We're gonna sacrifice them." Sal froze, stuttering out words. "Wh-wha-.. n-no.. y-you..-" Kenneth cut him off.

"You, do not speak. I've already decided. Now, you can be restrained and watch, or, help with the sacrifice." Sal stayed silent for a while. "I-i don't wanna help you.!" He blurted out. Kenneth hummed. "Very well then.. [insert names], come out and grab him."

Two cultists come out of the shadows (woOoaOoA) they go up behind Sal, grabbing him.


Gotta wait for the next chap~! Hehe.

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night folks!


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