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(This chapter has: slight smut? Cursing, F slur, a bit of Homophobia)

Travis' POV:

I was leaning back in a chair, watching the clock tick. Larry had his head down on his desk resting on his arms. Larry sat up straight and stretched his arms over his head and groaned slightly. Cracking his knuckles and neck. I fell back in my chair, falling to the ground. "Ow, shit!" I got up and set the chair back up, I sat down on the chair.

Larry got up and went over to me, he sat on my lap. My eyes widened as he did "Larry what are you doing?!-" sadly enough, there was no teacher in the room. Larry didn't say anything, he only rolled his hips, grinding against me. "Ah..~" I moan softly, I push Larry off of my Lap.

Larry got in between my legs, unbuttoning my shorts.
"Dude, I didnt give you consent to do this!" I kicked him away. Larry groaned when I kicked him, kinda kinky. "Well, can i?~.." I buttoned my shorts. "No! What the fuck!"

Larry whines and sits up on my lap. I sigh. Just then, he flips us over so I'm on his lap. I don't say anything about it, as I mostly just want sleep, even though this is fucking gay, and I'm not a damn faggot, I could care less right now, so, I wrap my arms around his neck and cuddle him.

Larry wraps his arms around me, cuddling back. He leans down and kisses my neck. He then hovers his lips over mine. "Larry wha—-" he cuts me off as he kisses me roughly. I pull away, "Larry wtf?! I'M NOT GAY, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!" I yelled. Larry cups my cheek and kisses my head. I groan in disgust and get off of his lap.

I go and sit down in another seat. Larry pouts, and that's when I fucking see it. This man, is fucking horny.  I gag at the thought of me giving him permission to suck me off. "gay ass." I choke out, Larry frowns and pouts.


Here's a little smut chapter-! Thanks 1-8OO-MASK for kind of giving me an idea for what to do-

Have a nice day/afternoon/night folks!

--- Travis

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