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(This chapter has: drinking, self harm.)

Travis' POV:

Larry, Sal and me were just chillin in Lar's room, mostly talking about guys we liked. "I'm tired" I say, Larry pulled me onto his lap, "go to sleep then, love" Larry says, gently kissing me. Sal just gives us the look of 'yeah, okay, have your moment, I'll go'. He gets up and leaves the room, leaving me and Larry alone. "So.." I begin.

Larry interrupts me, "have you ever drank? Probably a stupid question, sorry-" I cut him off. "Yes, I have, I got caught though" Larry simply just nods. "Alright, want some alcohol?" I nod, getting off of Larry's lap.


I was on my 4th bottle. Larry had already passed out, I put the bottle down and go into the bathroom. I sigh, pulling out a pocket knife, I set the pocket knife down on the sink. Taking off my shirt, I dropped it on the floor. I pick the knife up and start to cut. (( if any of y'all know the song "I deserve to bleed" by Sushi Soucy, part of the lyrics, which would be. "I wanna cover myself head to toe with super sexy scars" that's basically what Travis is doing, rn))


Cut after cut. Blood is spilling everywhere, it's painful, VERY painful, I'm crying, laughing. I make the final scar on my chest. My face, arms, chest and stomach, I also managed to get some scars on my back as well. They were all covered in scars. Deep, fresh, scars. Blood is everywhere, dripping down my face, back, chest, stomach, shoulders, arms. I'm light-headed, I fall to the ground, dropping the knife. Which luckily, it landed beside me. I try to look around but, I can't move, my eyelids get heavy, the next thing I see is, nothing. It's pitch black, I must've passed out.


I wake up, it's quiet? No, no, no it's not. There's ringing, crying and, voices?

The ringing fades, now I can only hear crying and, oh, it's Sal's voice. I sit up, causing the bed to creak. I guess someone walked in brought me here, Larry and Sal look at me.

Larry was sobbing, his eyes were puffy and red with tears streaming down his face. Sal had his prosthetic on so I couldn't really read his expression.

"You're awake! Oh thank God, I thought I'd have to take care of this suicidal asshole again if you died from your injuries," Sal says, trying to lighten up the mood also sitting down beside me, making the bed creak. I chuckle softly.

Larry wipes tears from his eyes. Before I knew it, Larry was hugging me tightly. Sobbing and shaking violently. I flinch, then I pet him. Larry kisses me. I kiss back, "i-i love you..!" Larry said in between sobs. "I love you too.." I reply.

Sal leaves to give us some time alone, I'm comforting Larry as he sobs. "Love, please, calm down.." Larry sniffles. I kiss his head.


Me and Sal were hanging out, Larry was listening to some music and painting. Sal takes off his prosthetic.


Hah, cliff hanger! Also, very off topic: I just got onto "Room for one more" for 1:35 AM. Yeah, that FNaF book!! Eee, it's so good-! But like, wow Amber, already dating someone after dumping your bf, Stanley? (Main character) wow

Have a nice day/afternoon/night folks!

--- Travis

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