
1K 21 44

(This chapter has: child abuse, Homophobia, f slur)

Travis' POV:

It was after school right now, I was in my room doing homework. I heard my father's footsteps come to my door, I had closed my door so I wouldn't have been distributed. That, was not a good idea. My father slams my door open, causing me to flinch. "Didn't you hear me?! I said get your fucking ass downstairs and do those damn dishes!" My father yells, I sigh and get up "Also. Give me your school books and Bible, I want to know what you write in them. I've seen you write in your Bible and want to know if you're writing anything sinful."

I froze for a moment "o-okay, Sir." I stuttered out,grabbing my school books from my bag and laying them out on my bed before grabbing my Bible. A note, falls out of it, my father picks it up, "what's this?" He asks, before I know it, my father opens the note and reads it aloud.

((Yo- so, i don't wan make a note so I'll just go off the note in The Bologna Incident))

" 'i know we don't really know eachother and you probably have your opinions of me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel, things could be different. The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! But, I know these feelings I have are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole just writing these words. My father would kill me but I can't live in his shadow forever, i just' "

Kenneth clears his throat.

"Travis. What do you mean by this?" I tear up, "i-i..–" my father interrupts me. "Do you like another male? Have you sinned, in this household?!" Kenneth's tone is harsh and loud.  I stay quiet, "HAVE YOU, TRAVIS?!" my father yells. I just nod, looking down at my feet. Kenneth walks up to me and slaps me, I stumble back, Kenneth then, orders me to get him his bat. I leave the room, I enter in a minute with the bat.


I yell in pain as holy water is being thrown at me, I squirm around trying to get out of the chains that I'm in. Most of my skin had nasty burns and deep, fresh or old cuts, scars, burns and bruises. I scream as i feel something sharp being pressed against my arm. I feel the sharp object cut across my arm, opening the wound more, I scream and sob louder. "SHUT UP YOU, SINNER. YOU'VE SINNED. YOU FELL INLOVE WITH ANOTHER MALE, You deserve EVERY single, cut, bruise, scar, burn." Kenneth pauses for a moment, he grabs a shotgun and reloads it.

My eyes widened in fear. Kenneth (KP) aims for my head. Then, a miracle happens! There's a knock at the door, my father puts the shotgun down and got to unchain me. I fall to the ground as he unchains me. I get up and run out of the basement, going up to my room.


I'm leaning against the wall in the shower, just staring at the ground. We had "visitors" apparently, Larry's mother wanted him and me to get along. I sigh and think to myself if a bit of pleasure was worth it right now, I've had a terrible day, so... couldn't be so bad, right.? I've never touched myself before, I had forbidden myself to.


Hehe! Cliff hanger! For a bit, I'm making the next chapter now!

Have a nice day/afternoon/night folks!

--- Travis

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