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(This chapter has: Self harm, cursing, child abuse, guns)

Travis slipped into the bathroom with a knife, it was 12 in the morning, Larry was asleep and Travis thought this was his opportunity to FINALLY see what was in those white rooms, after almost 11 years of not knowing what was in those rooms, Travis finally had the courage to go in them. He had no idea what to expect.

Travis rose the knife up to his wrist, pressing it against his skin before pulling the knife away, slicing his wrist open. "Oo! I forgot how much that hurts-!" Travis said breathlessly as a black mist took over the small room. Red speckles sparkling in the blackness of the room, very very faint splashes being heard as droplets of what Travis assumed to be blood hitting the 'floor'.

Travis cut himself until he saw the corners of black room lit up to a blinding white. "Holy shit that's bright-!" Travis exclaimed, dropping the knife into the black void, before walking towards a corner of the room. "Travis~! Oh, goodie you're back! It's been what.. 11 years?" A voice Travis recognized called out, the voice echoing off of the walls. It was a deep voice, but, a bit higher then Sal's voice..

"Who are you? What are these rooms?" Travis asked the anonymous voice. "Just call me.. halo!" The voice said, chuckling. Travis repeated his second question, "What are these rooms?" Travis heard the voice sigh in frustration. "It's your memories, one's that may contain secrets of the future, Travis." Halo snarled, his attituded had changed very quickly over such a simple question..

Travis stared blankly at the white room, "Secrets of the future?" He asks Halo, Halo cleared it's throat, "just go into the room already." Halo wasn't having it today, huh? Travis stepped inside the room, the room blinding him as he shut his eyes tightly.

The next time he opened his eyes the setting had changed, he felt younger, his body didn't have all the scars he had in the present time, Travis was alarmed at this. "What the fuck.." he muttered, "TRAVIS! GET THE FUCK OVER HERE, NOW." Travis heard his father yell from downstairs, Travis quickly got up and ran downstairs.

"Y-yes sir?" Travis called out, but, he didn't see his father at all. The room was empty.. Travis looked around, "hello?.." he said aloud. "Travis, you fucking disgrace, if only people saw how weak you really are, you're a faggot, he deserve to be abused, y'know that?" Kenneth called out, making Travis shiver with fear.

"Please sir.. why do you hate me.?" Travis asked, Kenneth laughed, his voice echoing off the walls. "Ý_U ĐØ_'T Ķ__₩? ÝØÚ'__ A FÜČ_Ķ__Ğ MݧŢÃĶ3¡¡" [YOU DON'T KNOW? YOU'RE A FUCKING MISTAKE!!] Travis stayed silent, Kenneth appeared infront of Travis.

He held a shotgun in hand, Travis' eyes widened. "W-wait, sir please.!" Travis begged, Kenneth laughed aloud, "ýø_ đə§êřve thī§." [You deserve this.] He said, pointing the shotgun at Travis as he reloaded the gun, his finger pressed on the trigger, about to pull it.

Travis ran up the stairs as his father pulled the trigger, missing Travis by an inch, Travis locked himself in the bathroom, breathing heavily. Kenneth banged on the door, "YÕÛ ___'T HÎde țHērə FøR3veř!" [YOU CAN'T HIDE THERE FOREVER] Kenneth shouted, punching a huge hole into the door, that wasn't a normal hole.. black goo poured threw it.

The goo was like acid, making the door thinner and thinner as it seeped to the floor, Travis backed away from the door before it was slammed open. Kenneth pointed the gun at Travis, "Y⃫o⃥ᵘ 𝓒a⃦ñ'ᵗ ᔕŢøp þh3m." [You can't stop them] "Ťhəy'łļ ğəþ ß4ľ âņď ýõū ₩øņ't b3 ťhəř€ þô ş4v3 hım." [They'll get Sal and you won't be there to save him.] "H€'§ țø wêâķ ń0₩." [He's to weak now.] Kenneth said, aiming the gun towards Travis' head, Tears poured down Travis' tanned cheeks before he got pulled out of the white room...

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