!~§3x~! (1/2)

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(This chapter has: smut)

Travis' POV:

I wrap my hand around my cock, slowly pumping up and down, I moan softly at the touch, I start to fantasize about my "unknown" crush touching me this way, I pump faster, I bit my lip to try and stay quiet. My thumb runs over my slit, I moan, throwing my head back against the wall. Then, the door to the bathroom opens. As stupid as I was, I didn't have the shower curtain closed, so the person probably saw me touching myself.- "so.. the christian boys unholy, eh~?" I quickly cover myself with the shower curtain. "Get out, Larry!" I yell.

"C'monnn, can I joinn??" He asks.

I groan. "No. You can not. Now get out!"

"Fine" Larry leaves. I don't continue with my activity, instead, I finish washing up. I get out of the shower and turn the water off, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist. I walk out of the bathroom to see. Larry Johnson. In MY bed, touching himself. He had his dick out and his hand wrapped around his dick, pumping up and down. "Travis..~" he moaned. I blushed at the sight. "Larry- what are you doing?-"

Larry looks at me. "Oh, uhm.. hey" Larry doesn't do anything, other then him stopping his activity. I also realized that he saw me naked. "Uhm...hi" I reply.

Larry slipped off his pants, as well with his boxers. I blushed some more and looked away, I walked over to my dresser to pick out some new boxers and shorts.

"Travy~ I'm hooorrrnnyy!" Larry pouted. "Okay?" I opened a drawer. Larry went behind me, grabbing the towel around my waist and taking it off. I flinched at the sudden action, turning around and covering my crotch.

"Dude- what are you doing?!" I look up slightly, at the brunette. Larry grabs my ass, I blush, god, this is so fucking gay. He leans down and kisses me, in a passionate way, to say the least.

I decide to just, kiss back, tangling my hand in his hair. Larry smiles into the kiss, squeezing my ass. I moaned softly, my other arm was on the dresser. Larry, takes this to his advantage, he breaks the kiss. "Hm..~ would you like to be, top or bottom~?" I tilt my head my to the left a bit. "If, you would want to, y'know, uhm, have sex, that is"

"Oh, uhm, then, bottom? I guess" Larry locks the bedroom door. "Okay!" He says sitting on the bed. I go and sit by him, "uh.. so..-" Larry cuts me off by pinning me to the bed. "Do ya want to go rough or gentle?" "Seeing as this is uhm, my first time.. gentle, please" Larry simply just nodded and took off his own shirt.

He threw it somewhere in the room, he kissed me gently, I kissed back, before I knew it, Larry was jerking me off. His hand wrapped around my dick, pumping up and down. I moan. He smirked, pumping faster. "Ngh~!"


Hah, end of ze chapter! I'll post the next one in a bit

Have a good day/afternoon/night folks!

--- Travis

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