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(Note: i think my parents forgot about my punishment- oh well, this chapter has: child abuse, Homophobia, f slur, attempted murder, and some wholesomeness)

Travis' POV:

My father came back, "get in the fucking basement, you sinner." I'm assuming he got something ready for me, anyways, I walk out of my room, down the creaky old ass stairs. Into the dining/living room and stop at a door right in in-between the two rooms. I opened the door and walked inside with my father following behind me.

"All you can do here is pray. You'll be let out when i feel like letting you out, you'll only get food once a week, but that's it." My father snarled. I stay quiet. My father leaves closing and locking the door.

I sit on the cold concrete floor, it's freezing down here and I'm only wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt, I start crying. This time, I don't tell myself to shut up, I allow myself to sob. I curl up, my legs are pressed up to my chest and my arms around them. I sob harder.

I start to shake, violently. "G-goddamnit" I sob. Never once, have I let myself cry. My father would just tell me to shut up. So, I learned how to, I never cried, if I did. I'd tell myself to shut up, say some self-hate, do some self-abuse.

v~^Time skip^~v

It's been about.. I'm not sure, maybe a month? I lost track after the first few weeks. Honestly, I'm not hungry nor thirsty. I haven't been for a while, that's probably a bad thing, huh? My father unlocks the door, probably to hand me some food- "You're free, faggot. Get the fuck out you disgrace." My father growls at me, shooting a glare.I get up and walk out.

"Go pack your shit, I'm kicking you out." I stop in my tracks. "But sir, I have nowhere to go.." I respond. My father stares at me, "do I fucking care? No! I don't. You can live on the streets for all I care!" My father raised his voice. I go and start packing.


I walk out of the house, with only my school bag, and a bag of clothes.

Larry's POV:

Me and SallyFace were hanging out, outside because my and Sally's mother, Lisa, wanted us to get out more. Honestly I rather be headbanging to Sanity falls with Sal, we went out for icecream and that. Right now I'm just making fun of Sal for how short he is- "I WILL KILL YOUUUU!" Sal had said, jumping on me. I guess that's one perk you have for being small, small but vicious.

I laugh, "Dude, get off!" Sal lays on top of me, "say sorry and I will, pInOcChIo" I gasp in offense. "You did not!" I say rolling over on my back, causing Sal to fall onto the ground, "ah-! Dumbass" Sal flips me off. I chuckle "I know" I flip Sal off.

I spot Travis in the corner of my eye, it's been about, a year since I last saw him, his figure, it looks worse then before. He looked like he hadn't gotten sleep at all, nor food. It looks like he's been crying, a lot, there is a lot of bruises, cuts, burns, all over his skin. He looks like he's freezing, his clothes aren't suitable for this weather. It was fall and it was freezing.

"Yo, Trav?" I get up and go over to him. He looks up at me then at the ground. "Travis, are you okay? I haven't seen you in a year.!" I wrap my arms around his waist. I see that he had his school bag and a bag full of, clothes? Was he getting kicked out? I just noticed this too.

Back to Travis' POV:

A year? That's how long it's been..? I drop my bags. Honestly, I'm not gonna lie anymore, I'm starving and my throat is dry. I hug Larry, tightly. And sob. Larry pets me, trying to calm me down. "Travis, what happened..?" Sal asks. He walked over, huh? Larry sighs, "I'll say my part of the story, so uhm- I kinda walked in on Travis in the shower touching himself a year ago" He pauses.

"Then, when I left the room I kinda started to touch myself, he walked in on me doing it, well- you can guess the rest"
Sal looks like he's about to say something but doesn't, I don't think he knows what to say honestly. So, I continue with what happened, "so, after Larry had left, my father decided to lock me in the basement for the year, food once a week, and water only when I needed it, right now, he uh, kicked me out"

Larry and Sal stay silent for a moment. Larry than finally says something, "you can stay with me and Sal, I'd have to see if my mom would let you stay though, you can stay in my room" I calmed down a bit ago. "Okay, that's fine!" I'm happy. For once in my life after my mother passed, I'm now, happy? It's nice, I guess..


It's 4AM rn for me and I just finished this, how is it??

Have a good day/afternoon/night folks!

--- Travis

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